[h3]Velta Burr- City Docks, Her own office. [/h3] Velta watches the hips sway under the skirts and finds that she's not bewitched despite the other woman's best efforts. There was a reason her brothers frequented the brothels, and she didn't. She shakes her head at the strange logic, after all Rose had barged into her office, not the other way around. Velta stands up and makes her way to the small liqueur cabinet where she selects a fine brandy which she slips into the teacups. Her slave had promptly slipped off at the mere mention of tea and she now returned with a teapot. She filled the remainder of the cops with sweet sweet tea and served one to Rose. The slave kept her head down and back hunched so not to tower over the Madam. " [color=8882be]Father is doing well, he mostly eats and when he's not eating he's drinking. I think we can both agree it's a good way to spend a retirement. Had any interesting customers as of late?[/color] "