It's been fifteen years since The Digi-destined saved both worlds from the terror of Lucemon. Each of them has moved on with their lives, the rest of the world none the wiser. But as with all Digimon Lucemon has reformatted and been reborn. working from the shadows and guiding the world the way he see's fit. Corrupting the data of the three CElestial Digimon creating and reviving Shadow Seraphimon, Evil Cherubimon, and Lilithmon (Laylamon). Each guarding a section of the Digital World. Magnamon knowing that the Royal Knights may not be enough, Sent out the D-Tectors into the world believing that they would end up in the hands of those who could benefit. This time, however, There are D-Tectors for each of the Legendary Warriors. Save for Three which Lucemon stole and gave to his generals. The spirits of Steel, Wood, and Darkness are in the hands of the Three Corrupted Celestial Digimon and as such have been given to three humans that can use them. [hider= Character Sheet] Name: Appearance: (Face Claim basically) Age: (Between 14-18) Gender: Brief History: Personality: Spirit: (Which Elemental Spirit do you want out of Fire, Thunder, Wind, Ice, Water, Earth. I'll be claiming Light which is why it's not listed XD) Line: (Use this to List your Human, Beast, and Unified spirit forms if the same as the show list them anyway. Trancendant forms may come later but we can talk about that as a group.) [/hider] As for Rules its pretty basic follow ALL RPG Rules and the word of my Co-GM's are law and can only be overturned by me. I would like everyone to try to post once a week if possible and please keep in contact in the OCC. Post characters in the CS tab that way they can be approved more easily and more easily accessed. Any ideas for story elements please let me know and feel free to make a character for the evil three if you would like it makes combat and even the story more fun and engaging.