[hr][hr][h1][center][color=662d91]Elissa Isley[/color][/center][/h1] [center][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m54i1kHrpu1rqg9sf.gif[/img] Location: Some island[/center][hr] Elissa was not too sure how this was going to go. She had no way of knowing what would happen, and Septima did not seem to really be sharing anything concerning it. Unleashing the flask's power seemed like a good idea, but she didn't know what the power of the flask was. It would be nice if something good happened, but it was going to be interesting to see what happened. She looked at Anastasia and nodded at her remark about the woman. [color=662d91]"At least ve figured out vat habened to zem, zince sche had asked us to keep ein look out for zem".[/color] They had found them, but it made her begin to wonder how they had gotten there. Everyone else was dead, while these two were alive, so how did they get on the island? This question passed through her mind as she watched Anastasia drink from the flask.