Dinohumon looked away in embarrassment at Roberts question. “Well you see, I was the first to get here when Kuwagamon attacked however the second I got here he threw me into one of the buildings. I was trapped under rumble.” He then sighed sadly. “It's embarrassing, ME a champion taken out in an instant. I'm supposed to be the guard of Nyttliv.” He looked depressed at this. “Neh neh, it's fine. Everyone has a bad day every once in awhile.” Kiba tries to comfort him. “Although maybe you shouldn't have jumped in all Willy nilly.” Dinohumon nodded at this. “You are correct. Usually in battle I have Liollmon to back me up. He acts as a distraction while I attack the enemy. Sadly he's still injured from that bastard Titamon! Ah, pardon my French.” Wolfy huffs and responds. “There is no reason to apologize. I hear that out of the three gods, Titamon is the most destructive. If anything, you should be proud of your partner to be able to survive that.” “Ah yes, Liollmon is brave for a rookie.” Dinohumon says with a hint of pride. Kiba chuckled. “So is this Titamon a big deal or something?” “He's a God of Destruction and is allied with Tactimons army.” Wolfy explained “...” “I'll explain it to you later. Basically he's a big bad guy.” Wolfy sighed. “Ah ok.” Kiba said as they continued to walk to the castle.