[b][h3][center][color=ec008c]Anomaly[/color][/center][/h3][/b][center]Near a crashed VTOL[/center][hr] [color=ec008c]"Little dizzy, but alright!"[/color] Anomaly unbuckled her seat as she got close to a window of the VTOL, allowing her to see outside the VTOL at all of the thugs and gangbangers going around and causing mayhem and ruckus. Wasn't really great, to be honest, but she did notice someone running. Somebody afraid of what Septima could do, and that gave Anomaly an idea. A ghost hand flew out from the side of the VTOL, soaring through the air before colliding with the back of the runaway thug, storing his emotion of fear within Anomaly's... yeah she didn't know what to call it yet. She always assumed it was a cloud, so she'd assume the same here. As she began to feel the very passive effects of that thug's fear, she looked over to the other people in her squad. [color=ec008c]"f you guys need someone debuffed, I'm ya girl!"[/color] [b][+1 FEAR EMOTION][/b]