[hider=Elli Winters] [b]Name:[/b] Elli Winters [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Elli] [center][img]https://static.tumblr.com/a94ee65b146ed9f5b0a67ffbe884ca4c/eqiflac/Dt9omk90z/tumblr_static_filename_640_v2.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] Elli is 5'2" and 107 pounds of tiny healer. She really likes sweets but rarely eats them, trying to keep her figure down. Her hair is redish-brown and her eyes are a faded emerald green color. Her skin is pale and her nose is covered in freckles. She is often seen with a bag of goodies to give away to someone least expecting it and clothes that look akin to a school uniform. [b]Year:[/b] 2 years [b]Rank:[/b] Apprentice [b]Room No.:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] Quiet and kind are words often used to describe Elli and they are not untrue. She is type of girl who does anything to help others in need, going out of her way to help others even if it means hard work on her part. She will give a stranger the clothes off of her back if she felt it necessary. She has a deep love for all of the places she has lived and does whatever she can to make the places she calls home better. Her grandmother once told her, “You don’t need to love what you do. You can make boxes, or clean bathrooms, it doesn’t matter. You just need to be the best at it. Elli, dear. If you ever find yourself making boxes, make the best dang boxes around like I know you will.” Despite being someone willing to give you the clothes off of her back, Elli is oddly closed off from others, preferring to keep her issues to herself. She would rather cry alone in her room than seek comfort from others, even if she strongly desires it. She deals pretty well with stress and is often seen smiling, making others see her as a happy girl, but that is simply because they have never seen her cry. Being away from her family has always put a strain on Elli but the letters she receives from them make things bearable. She is a homebody despite being someone who lives away from home. Her plans are to experience much of the world before returning to her hometown to impart upon it the wisdom she garners from her travels. [b]Magic Discipline:[/b] Healing Elli uses her magic to heal others. She cannot heal herself just yet as she is more focused on how to heal others. Her magic focuses somewhat on an aspect of time as she tends to focus on the way the affect area was before. Her magic rewinds time back to a time when the affected area was healthy. This takes a lot of magic and concentration however, so Elli can really only heal small cuts and scraps currently. If she tries to heal more than she can handle, she can pass out and even take the wound on herself as backlash. [b]Equipment:[/b] A journal that she records different spells and potions to make for healing. She also has a small lab kit that she uses to experiment with different materials to create her own healing potions. [b]Biography:[/b] Elli was always the awkward child growing up. She always tried to be likable, but was very conscious of her appearance, something that often bothered her. She got picked on as a child for being a bit larger than the rest, since she liked sweets so much. The boy whom she had a crush on often snickered in her direction and she once overheard him telling his friends to lay off of him, that he’d never like a “cow like her.” To this day, that memory plays over in her head whenever she begins to develop feelings for someone. Elli’s parents were very doting, and Elli’s father had a hard time tell his daughter no. When her younger brother was born, she had a hard time dealing with him because of the jealousy as her father often played with Stu. However, because of this, Elli got much closer to her mother who shared with Elli her love for medicine and nursing which Elli kept even after the death of her parents. She became very protective of her brother and grandmother, often taking the role of a mother for the both of them. Elli’s dream job is to own a clinic of her very own where no one is ever turned away because they cannot afford care. She wants to heal people without the use of harsh medicine if possible, and values laughter and relationships as a form of healing. [b]Master:[/b] Margret Winters, Elli's grandmother. Margret Winters isn't the best magic user, but she taught Elli everything she knows up to the point when Elli started going to B.U.M. [b]If[/b] Elli [b]was forced to sacrifice something important in order to move forward, it would be:[/b] Any and all material things. She could never give up her family but she can always part with things, even things that haven sentimental value. [b]If[/b] Elli [b]was offered to have a single wish fulfilled, it would be:[/b] Elli would want to have more time with her parents. [/hider]