[hider=Reign of Terror] [@Guess Who],[@Fourze],[@Suku],[@1Charak2] [center][h3]July 19th/Time: 10:24 AM[/h3][/center] The last shuddering breath the police officer took was labored, and painful to partake in. To think that all his efforts, all his ambitions would amount to dying in the street. No cause or real reason behind it, save for this woman being a master out for blood...he assumed. All he could make were assumptions as he in vain tried to prop himself up on his arm, only to feel it quiver and falter, letting his body fall limp as his heart sought to pump, only letting more blood flow out than into itself. Looking at Jeanne, his eyes were glassy and sullen, as if he'd had all hope stripped away from him. Martyr? Murderer? He was neither. Slinking down and starting to slowly close his eyes, the faintest calling of the card that had once been hid was audible, but not important. He'd sleep the wound off and go back to business...they all deserved punishment. And that's what an officer did. It was his job to punish them...and he'd punish her as well, after he took his little nap that would last forever. The class card that had been in his possession, now wedged between concrete cracks reverberated its sorrow in a dull, and quiet pulse of leftover mana from his being. Perhaps a desperate call for help, or perhaps just the anguish of a being losing one similar to itself. Either way, that pulse would remain a while, and as such the card was not to be hard to find should one seek it out. It would take the police eleven minutes to arrive and find their brother in arms dead on the pavement, first responders carrying his body off after searching out evidence that didn't exist. The only thing knowable was that he had died from a massive puncture wound that wasn't from a gunshot, and that according to eye witnesses, some pale woman had caused him to have an accident, his ruined bike crashed into a nearby bookstore's front window. Carnage and brutality in the eye of the public, giving fuel to something that nobody intended to feed. [hr] Seamus paused suddenly as he opened the door to his car, bearing a close resemblance to a Lexus GS Sedan, and looked at the general direction the incident had occurred with Jeanne, the mana in the air being tangible from this far away...and maybe even a bit further. [color=00aeef][b]"...Get in. That was no ordinary servant being installed. Change of plans."[/b][/color] Naturally, the threesome of Philip, Marie, and Thomas would sense that influx of mana that dabbed the air with the taste of murder and figure that maybe this guy was trying to help rather than cause more problems. With Thomas taking shotgun and the two youngers in the back, they would soon come to realize that Seamus was fucking godawful at driving, and it was a miracle that they got there in one piece at all with the influx of people being directed away due to the police setting up the yellow tape, after a seven minute drive. Assuming that they saw that they wouldn't need to go fight right away, the trio would likely Un-Install/Un-Include their cards for the time being. Especially since Philip likely didn't want to explain to the police why he was carrying a sword and wearing plate mail. Stepping out from his car with a look of confidence, as if he hadn't just tried to Tokyo Drift his way out here, Seamus opened the doors for Thomas and the others, before heading over to have a talk with the officer in charge. Seemed he must have had some connections if he was able to wade in police territory. Probably helped with the traffic violations. [hr] Meanwhile, at Julianna's apartment, Jeanne's mind would slowly piece together the murders and slight fragments of memories she had taken from the card, even if it had only been through brief contact. Beheadings, and mangling of bodies...far more than the police had found. Strong feelings of hatred were rampant in these windows into the officer's past...but also, the True Name of his class card's sealed servant became evident as well. The adoration of murder in the sake of a self-righteous worldview, all built around tearing down those who stand against you. Though he opposed the death penalty, he soon found himself abusing it to silence those against him. The one who beheaded thousands of people during the reign of the Jacobins, and cemented himself as a political power before his ironic and untimely execution, brought about by his fellow Jacobins. Maximilian Robespierre: The Incorruptible. Fittingly, an Assassin class Servant with a Noble Phantasm used purely for single target execution. While the information was useful in a way, it did little, since now Jeanne wouldn't have to fight him...unless someone else picked up his card. [/hider] [hider=The Exiled Heir(s)?] [@Etranger] [center][h3]July 19th/Time: 1:36 PM[/h3][/center] The guy was out like a light, in for the worst hangover of his life whenever he'd awaken. Quickly responding to the call placed, a rather tired sounding man picked up to answer Sajan. [color=FF3333][b]"Agent Kaur? We've recieved those reports, and are getting eyes on your area now. Stand by, and try and pinpoint the mana signature of their card if you can. The armored figure was seen carrying a dufflebag with the stolen goods, so there might be a chance they're blending in while carrying it. Even if it wasn't the target, good work on apprehending the one with the bait cash. Although, your acting needs some work."[/b][/color] the voice said, ending the call after that bit of a jab at Sajan. While Sajan had only recently been in Junyo for a week at best, she'd likely recognize that the person she'd called was the [url=https://i.imgur.com/OuZJwUw.png]Chief Operating Officer of Muninn[/url], Abigail Miller. While she had been helpful in the immediacy of information gathering and sending out various persons to monitor the area, it did seem that the lapse in information was a major error. Now, Sajan would be left to monitor the area while backup was being rolled out for monitoring the area, as the mana signature started getting closer, but identifiably weaker. They had definitely uninstalled their class card by now, and were attempting to blend into the civilian crowd in the area. of the people coming by on the street, many looked like typical street toughs, which would make it difficult to discern who could be it. However, one man was visibly carrying a duffel bag slung over his shoulder, a phone pressed to his ear and a ring on the hand holding it inset with some large red gemstone. Whether it was real or fake didn't matter much, but the [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/303645471333810177/365781459304448000/16XrKVF.png]man's air gave off a sense of unease[/url], dressed in rather normal looking street clothes with unkempt hair, yet sporting a gem that looked almost fake and looking at his phone with impatience and worry on his face. Regardless, if Sajan was going to try and make a move, she'd need to make sure he didn't immediately get spotted as another Class Card user. Perhaps a higher vantage point would serve better for this...or just a flat out assassination attempt.[/hider] [hider=The Delusions of a Desperate Damsel] [@Pie Flavor],[@Enkryption] Daikichi was left to dangle for a bit, not wanting to scream of fear of looking pathetic, and also because Ophelia could...make it look like an accident if he dropped. Awakening some time after in the Nurse's office once more, Mitsugi left while the nurse was busy with a call somewhere...somewhere unimportant. All that mattered was him right now, her thoughts were a hissing and knotted ball of desires and emotions all biting at each other, all killing one another for sport and dominance in her mind, leading her to wobble a bit as she walked. Soon however her steps became steady, her right hand covering its respectively sided eye and continuing to walk. Even if her mind was...melting a little, she still felt a throbbing pain in her eyes in particular...as if there were signs leading somewhere that didn't make sense. Regardless...oh! He forgot his lunch, right? That'd be the romantic thing to happen right? So of course it happened...of course that pathetic, idiotic man could so easily scorn and forget something prepared with love and care for him, and instead settle for cheap slop processed at the hands of some faceless nameless machine...but now she could make him food! The atmosphere at the school was growing more...oppressive. Snakes could be heard in the walls as Mitsugi walked down to the home economics room. It wasn't that Ophelia was there at all...in fact, she didn't even see her, in her personal delusion. The flour on Ophelia's countertop started...running away in straight lines etched across Samuel's portrait. Sliding the door open, Mitsugi didn't even seem to have entered the room at all, she was just...at a counter making dough now. Ophelia could probably easily get away unscathed, but the green haired girl seemed in a trance, just...humming something to herself. Not to mention, with two class cards present in one room, it was practically a "Here we are" searchlight for any other masters within the school at the time. [/hider]