[hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/KzmdUGG.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/X7zKc5z.png[/img] [sup][@Puffhead][@Darquesse][/sup] [b][code]Thompson Lumber Mill Inc - VIP Entrance.[/code][/b][hr] Claire couldn't help but sneer yet again at the "Wicked Bitch of the West," [i](Chris, honey, you only need the second word)[/i] as he made his departure. Leaving behind a parthian shot in the form of; [i]"Really? You could think of any insult in the world, and you pick fag? Anyways, since Hagan here clearly doesn't know how not to ruin the party vibe, I'll go find someplace else to grace with my presence."[/i] Hearing that made Claire burst out into laughter - she just couldn't take Chris seriously! If he hates being called a fag, then why act like such a caricature of one? She could read Chris like a goddamn card - and so could anyone with the slightest amount of common sense. She could easily tell he was real small deep down. But most people didn't get close to him like she had [i](the mistake of a lifetime, I tells ya')[/i] and, well, she can say that he was small in more areas than one. "Yeah, you go enjoy yourself..." Claire said, before cheekily adding on, "... [i]Chris.[/i]" Course, that meathead Hagan didn't waste a moment in ruining her line of thought, "Yeah, you'll be gracin' anywhere but here, fag." He chuckled at Chris, "Buh-bye." He said in a stereotypically flamboyant homosexual tone, before shaking his head. The nerve of some people... but, he had given the asshole little thought. Now that he was gone, he was going to focus on business... "Now that's over and done with..." Hagan dusted his hands off, and faced Clayton. That nerd Everett left - probably left to go rescue puppies or whatever. What he did was none of Hagan's concern. "Course, man! I'd love to let main man into the party." He stepped to the side and opened the door for Clayton, "And you can enter, too, dollface." "Thanks, Hagan," Claire immediately said upon getting that "green light," and stormed inside before Clayton or Hagan could say another thing. Once she got down to it: she wanted as much to do with them as she did Chris. Nothing. At. All. She could only give them a playful smirk with a shake of her hips as she stepped inside. She almost grinned as she gazed upon the "VIP Lounge." It was, well, making the most of a dusty, old-timey, saw mill. It was enormous, and every inch of it was working around the machinery and whatnot that was left. Hell, Claire saw some people dancing on some of it - Uh, yeah, there was plenty of dancing going around the whole place. It was crazy, but she wasn't interested in that. There was one large table with drinks on one side, and that was all Claire wanted. She waded through the crowds with her only intention being getting free booze, then [i]maybe[/i] she'll see where that goes. There was lots of cute boys and gals here... Claire bit her nails as she thought about the possibilities. [hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/pzvcW5L.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/f4XE2MO.png[/img] [sup][@OppositionJ][@Darquesse][@Zombiedude101][@Savo][/sup] [b][code]Thompson Lumber Mill Inc - Side... roof?[/code][/b][hr] It didn't seem like the girl did anything other than believe the half-assed lie Jordan presented her. As it stood, however, Jordan had no reason to believe it was completely successful. She was a lot of things, and one of them wasn't naive. Still, the girl was sitting right there on the windowsill - a conveniently open widow (Or did she just open it?). If she had just left, Jordan could just get Kimberly to come down and they could find Derrick... She didn't notice it; but the girl introduced herself as Callie... and she definitely never heard of a name like that before. Jordan regretted not getting to know everyone like she wanted to - because that'd make situations like this a [i]lot[/i] easier. "Jordan," The girl in question answered. "It's great to meet you, but I got this..." Jordan was about to take a step, and stopped herself when she realized the whole ladder thing would make no sense if Callie saw how fucked up her leg was. Still, she (tried to) go about her business and hope that Callie fucked off so she can get Kimberly down here and they can sneak in. Of course, that went horribly wrong, really fast. Well, first; she found Derrick! Woo! She was about to say something to him, buuuuuut... Jordan was starting to realize why she shouldn't have agreed with that crazy girl's plan: she flashed her panties and now everyone and their grandmother was walking up to them. Starting with some pale white boy, then some girl she never met before, and ending with Christopher Pope... the fuckiest fuckboy that Jordan ever laid eyes upon. She made sure to keep distance from King Fuckboy and his delusions of grandeur, but he was right here. Talking to her. The mere verberations made her shudder. [quote]"Can we hurry this up? I got regrets to be having and the only one I got so far is coming here." "Seconded." Came a voice that make Brynn almost shudder; the 'Wicked Bitch of the West' himself. Of course he'd be steadfast on getting into the VIP lounge. "I want to get smashed in the booze type, not the Hagan going hulk mode type."[/quote] The first girl and her attitude made Jordan give her a dirty look. Oh, little miss sunshine here just walked up to something she had no idea about, and then [i]demands[/i] that they hurry up? Wow, she was totally making Jordan want to be nice and cordial to the girl! [i]Definitely.[/i] "Well, little miss sunshine," Jordan said to Brynn passive aggressively. "You and your boyfriend are just walking up in here without knowing a thing that's going on - who are you to tell anyone to hurry up?" She put a hand on her chest as she gave the girl a look. Though, from the roof, she heard a sharp cry from Kimberly, followed by a bang coming from the roof. That immediately made her forget about this brown haired broad, and the king of assholes. [i]"Kim!?"[/i] Jordan shouted, worried about her friend as she looked up. "Shit!" She looked at the ladder, and knew that was [i]one[/i] thing she was [i]not[/i] going to try climbing. Yet, her attention turned to Derrick, the only help she could find in this insanity. She limped over to Derrick, before pleading with him, "Rick," The nickname that Kimberly came up for Derrick, "I... think something happened to Kimberly, I don't know!" She looked at Derrick for a moment, before realizing an apology was in order, "Look, I'm sorry for leaving you like that, that girl Kim and her crazy plans, but I don't think [i]either[/i] of us can get up that ladder to check up on her." Before she looked at the group. [hr] More people were approaching, Kimberly knew it was maybe, [i]perhaps,[/i] time to figure out an exit strategy before Hagan the meathead finds his way over here. Climbing down probably meant admitting that she was trying to sneak in (given that Jordan forgot her purse and Kimberly's satchel was [i]definitely[/i] not a purse). Kimberly was starting to weigh her odds here... and realized that sitting here watching like a mong definitely wasn't going to work. Well, she might as well go for broke. She crawled her way back to the hatch, and pulled that knife out and went back to work. Worst that'd happen if someone climbs up here or sees her? They just get kicked out. Thankfully, both of them have anonymity on their side. It didn't take long, but she broke the rusted lock off, and smiled. She quickly threw the latch up, and peeked inside. All she saw was darkness... which meant that there was no one here. Convenient! All Kimberly had to do was sneak her way to an entrance and let Jordan and Derrick in... where ever he was. She wasn't sure! Kimberly tried climbing in, but she felt a strange sensation overtake her. She grabbed her head as she sat on the edge of the hatch. Feeling woozy, she looked around and saw a red hue had become the primarily color, and all sounds were muted in her head. They transformed into a low screeching sound like an old metal structure that was bound to collapse. She looked around, and saw a bloody rust cover everything. Her eyes shot wide opened as she tried to rub her eyes, but noticed that the bloody rust had covered her hands. She shrieked for a moment, as a red light engulfed her vision and she began to fall into an infinite void, screaming... ... Then she hit the ground of the lumbermill, ass-first (and said ass will be very sore for a very, very, long time). She let out a grunt as her vision blurred for a moment, and she rubbed her eyes... but she couldn't see any of the red light, or rust for that matter. She was woozy, but at least she wasn't seeing shit. Okay, maybe this party wasn't a good idea. She's already going crazy and she didn't even touch a single drug! She needed to get her bearings, and figure out where she is...