[b][color=dodgerblue]Current status: searching for partners![/color][/b] Hey. Call me Fives. Welcome to the thread. I'm 22, a woman, and super excited to be here. I've just re-joined RPguild after a hiatus of about three years, but now I'm ready to dust off the ol' keyboard and get back to writing. Back then, I was really into the high casual-advanced writing scene, but it was honestly mostly about character development as opposed to length. I'm really interested in RPing with people who like to challenge their partners and take the lead in RPs when necessary. My general rule for RPing is the same as the golden rule for improv comedy: "yes, and." Obviously, powerplaying and metagaming and all that bullshit is the opposite of what I'm into, but I want to develop a world together, so feel free to hit me with your ideas. I have some pairings listed below, but if you have an idea, expansion, or a revision to anything I've written, feel free to let me know. Great stories are built on great communication. In general, I'm interested in fantasy, sci-fi, fandom, and drama/slice of life RPs. Romance is great, but at least buy me dinner before our characters sleep together. I love me some FxF, but I also love FxM or MxM, depending on what the story requires. I play all genders. Decent grammar is required, and maybe three fairly decent paragraphs minimum per post. I won't have time to post every day, so I don't expect you to, either. I really like being able to think over my posts for a while, anyway. I love making character sheets. I prefer forum posting (I just think it looks nicer?) but obviously if we're not going to fade to black we have to go to PMs, which is fine. Anyway, let's get to the good stuff. Parts in red would be my preferred part, if there's nothing in red, I could play either. [hider=P a i r i n g s] Dom (f or m) x [color=red]Sub (m)[/color] (any context, dammit, I love male subs) [color=red]Cleric (f)[/color] x Knight (f) (fantasy setting) [color=red]Priest (m)[/color] x Anyone (modern setting) God x human (Ancient Greek gods, ancient or modern setting) Noble x [color=red]servant[/color] (fantasy setting) Demon x [color=red]human [/color] (the human sells their soul for something, and now the demon must hang around...) [color=red]Bounty hunter[/color] x hunted [/hider] [hider=F a n d o m s] [u][b]Star Wars[/b][/u] Clone x Clone (OCs probably) Jedi x Jedi (OCs probably, but if you have a real hankering for a particular jedixjedi pairing, hit me. ) Jedi x [color=red]Clone[/color] [color=red]Bounty Hunter[/color] x Anyone Thrawn x [color=red]Kallus[/color] [color=red]Rex[/color] x Ahsoka (Post Clone Wars) Secret Rebel Stormtrooper x Secret Rebel Imperial Officer (Rebels era - think Agent Kallus' situation - different Fulcrums) Shmi Skywalker x [color=red]Qui Gon Jinn[/color] (Specifically an AU in which Shmi is a Jedi before she becomes force pregnant.) [/hider] These lists are under construction. I'll be adding more pairings and fandoms as I think of them. Thanks for sticking around. Hope to hear from you.