[@Liliya] I've been editing it quite a bit before I realized you'd already scoped it out, so take another look when you can. Mostly grammar fixes and replacing words with shit that sounds better. Furthermore, think of how I perceived it. Abbey's blow had been described originally as a teeth-knocker-outer, but now I should assume it can break the shoulder of a strong man through a pauldron much more secure than his steel mask. I know a halberd can easily fuck someone up through armor, but I was basing that off of with how much power the attack was described to have. If it could break his shoulder, then it ought to have been able to break his face outright. Also, I didn't quite say so summarily that he 'moved left'. He stepped back onto his left foot. The idea was he step away from Abbey and put her in his center line, not move towards or oddly adjacent to her. I'm actually a little confused about /exactly/ where she is relative to him, whether it be nearer his flank or still out in front of him a step to the side, me, my , mo. Again, I shoulda asked earlier What's going on I think, is I have my own idea of where she is, and you have your own idea, and we initially thought we were on the same page, but we aren't. That aside, it's good you wanted this fun fight, I must say. It's giving me the chance to figure out ways to improve past these little difficulties (knock on wood).