Rebecca watched as the battle raged on, occasionally throwing in the odd use of Disarming Voice here and there. It was a bit inconvenient; she couldn’t keep up the Lucky Chant while she was using her voice to attack the enemy. At least everyone could see now, though it wasn’t too different to the Ralts with her hair always blocking her vision anyways... She watched as Celes drove away a Hydreigon, and Dexter noted that he was falling back to get help. She could teleport after him… Probably a bad idea, though. She didn't feel quite tanky enough to go waddling behind enemy lines. Though they apparently had the foresight to tank some hits using Protect. She looked back at that Bronzor as he kept using Iron Defense, maybe he could help while the fur hadn’t quite hit the fan yet. “Hey,” Rebecca said over her shoulder. “So that TM you gave me, right? Would you mind giving me a quick refresher on how I use it?” She focused back on the path ahead, hoping not to catch any stray hits while she was distracted.