It took Nybras by surprise when she pulled herself back into their embrace, but nevertheless it was still with no hesitation that he wrapped his arms around her again and holding her for along as she was against him. Though when the teacher interrupted them and made his comment about courting he grew quite embarrassed and flustered, and he was again thankful that a blush doesn't show up to well on scales. He was still happy to keep his hand in hers when she pulled away. He nodded when she asked if he was ready and looked with her to find what was on the paper. The three symbols they found were...remarkably ordinary, at least for what Nybras was expecting, and they didn't really seem like a riddle at all, a hint at something maybe. He couldn't really understand them on their own but maybe they were suppose to take other things into account, and when he thought to the young succubus he was next to it seemed like that idea made sense "I...I think you may be right" His eyes flicked between her and the paper, his hand gently squeezing hers back.