[@OliveYou] The lady had handed Feine the chocolate chip cookie - and he accepted gladly. [color=39b54a]"You made these to [i]give out[/i] to other students? Such an interesting character." Feine uttered, somewhat impressed - though he knew he'd never do this himself. What it showed, however, was that the lady was quite kind. "From a writing standpoint, there could be all manner of reasons why somebody would give out cookies, free of charge. It's certainly very interesting."[/color] But aside from the cookie, the blonde lady had given Feine a few juicy tidbits of info on her friend, the woman Feine assumed was a tomboy from earlier. Apparently, that woman's name was 'Ashley', and that they might not like boys. This was interesting to Feine. Perhaps males in general were her 'Berserk Button', as a certain site Feine enjoyed would put it. Nonetheless, it was a very interesting trait for somebody to have, and certainly one that could lead to interesting scenarios. It seemed that the wild man may have provoked her by pushing this 'Berserk Button', which led to the cookie being thrown. [i]'In that case, it seems that I am lucky my cookie still remains in one piece. Though... wouldn't that be an interesting scenario? That woman simply slapping my cookie out of my hands, causing it to shatter and scatter, like dust in the wind.'[/i] Feine thought to himself. [i]'Though, I should devote the characteristics of this 'Ashley' and this unnamed blonde lady to mind. I would do so for the wild man, but I know not much about him. Though... what interesting characters we have, in the play called 'Life'![/i] Feine looked down at the cookie he'd been handed. [color=39b54a]"Thank you for this chocolate chip cookie, too. Perhaps it'll provide the [b][i]inspiration[/i][/b] I seek for my next piece?" Feine thanked with a calm tone. "Anything in life can provide [b][i]inspiration[/i][/b]. The good, the bad, even things that may seem unlikely, such as this cookie here. That is the beauty inherent in writing, of course."[/color] [i]'While rather delicious looking, I cannot afford to eat the cookie in public. After all, it is quite embarrassing to eat in public, is it not?'[/i] Feine pondered over the cookie.