Danny's good mood at having defeated such a seemingly powerful quickly faded upon learning about Ultimate and Mega Digimon as well as Tactimon and Titanmon. He did however have a potential idea about dealing with with those two which he hoped to discus with both the other and Norn. Minomon unaware of his carrier's concerns wiggled out of Danny's arms and headed straight for Hirschmon. [color=00a651]"I knew you could defeat him."[/color] The bipedal Digimon bent over and patted his little brother on the head. [color=007236]"Honestly Kiba's plan and Dogumon's last attack were probably enough. I only interfered to be absolutely sure Kuwagamon would be unable to flee and reveal our location."[/color] While his partner explained all that Danny looked for Kiba. After a while he spotted the other boy. [color=39b54a]"Do you think it might be a good idea to try and turn Tactimon's army against those so called Big Death-Stars? I mean I doubt our group can handle two armies at once."[/color]