The hunters went west, felling deer and even a bear, bringing back needed food for the clan and offering a welcome chance for the hunters to hone their skills in warfare. The orcs begin to cut down the woods without incident, the steady stream of lumber coming back is turned into shelter, though for now it amounts to little more than hovels. Tuskor organises 2 main parties of scouts, taking separate ways from the hunters and woodcutters one party follows the river south while the other goes east, back in the direction they came from to see what the plains have to offer. [Scouting results in 1 turn] A) Improve food B) Improve military technology C) Improve infrastructure D) Improve culture E) Explore F) Improve resources/technology G) Prospect the land H) Expand military I) Take diplomatic action X) Other Population: 112 men, 112 women, 34 children. Military: No standing military. Militia able to be conscripted up to 60% of adult population. (Higher than most races due to being savage orcs). Food level: Below average Resources: Some lumber Wealth: Non-existent Trade: Non-existent Growth: Average Morale: Indifferent Foreign relations: You do not know any other civilizations.