The custodes did not know what he summoned but it's power was such, arcane powers where never to be trusted. Darker powers always had a price and corruption spread to the soul nd slowly that infection grew. Such was the way of Heresey. Such dark powers broke a golden age. The custodes very skin and soul though warded felt the darkness. Felt it tingle with somthing darker than any man. , embracing the emparors very athema in thr tiniest margin, few understood how close they where, there very genes where shaped by his. Each embraced his power and his strengh of will in thr smallest margin. But such was ernough to protect them. [i]"the warp has grave concquences" [/i] Asura thought, to strike down bill, the very last word spoke of great and dread power none should possess. Turning to the others, the distraction. Ideal. [i]"grave but he shall not have all the purgibg" [/i] Moving faster than human could seem to understand Asura engaged abother of the possessed marines. Monsters. Deadly beyond there kin and empowered by foul warp craft. The duel began with such ferocity, a blink of a eye and even the custodians blood bright red hit the floor as it healed almost instantly. To spill the blood of a custodian spoke of the greatest of enemies, the most deadly of mankind's foes. speakers amplifying voice dramaticly, a sonic wave of fury and rage. [i]"the enemies of man shall be at a end" [/i] ... Aboard one of man's greatest warships, custodians own fleet of nightly warships, part battleship, part battle barge and crafted solely for the emparors closest sons. A centurian clad in almost mythical terminator plate saw a distress call ring out. Asura was assigned to that front. He had worked hard for decades to train the custodian, a process much artifice as there transformation. He would not lose such a valuable asset. Barking out the command. The great warship turned to the front to seek his apprentice, to others it would not be understood, but they where there own. There custom and tradition was secret to all but themselves. [@Dealdric]