[Center][h3]Fangwood Keep[/h3][/center][hr] Once Sigurx collected his gear, the group continued their trek towards Fangwood Keep, spending an uneventful night worriedly keeping watch over a snoring troll. As the sun began to set, the forest thinned out ahead, revealing a wide river valley cleared of trees. The path descended for a quarter mile to a single stone bridge that spanned the river, then continued up a small hill. Atop this barren hill sat a small, two-story fort surrounded by a thick, partially collapsed outer wall. The area all around the keep within a quarter mile had been cleared of stones, trees, and any other sort of cover. Until nightfall, it would be relatively impossible to pass unseen. The bridge over the Marideth seems to be the only place to easily cross the swiftly-flowing river, though it is also obviously well within sight of anyone stationed on one of the keep's ramparts. >The group may make a Perception check if they wish.