[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=0072bc]Thana Martin[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/523ed7050654d50bbae4eb51a3735349/tumblr_inline_n767baVN661szvbv0.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Agriculture: Storage (West Side between Inner and Outer Wall) [/center][hr] A coy glance came from Thana as she looked over towards Ash out from the corner of her eye. [color=0072bc]"Easy? What fun would that be?"[/color] she asked as she stepped over towards the wheelbarrow and grasped the handles. She lowered herself much deeper than she needed to but she was taunting him with a bit of a flash of what lay beneath her collar before righting herself and smirking. Wheeling it over towards the bricks she set it down so Ash would have to walk back and forth. Sure she enjoyed watching him but he was right about one thing, they would have to continue this conversation later and the sooner they finished the sooner [i]later[/i] would arrive. Stepping over to the water cans she took a minute to decide which one to take. Not that it really needed a consideration but bending over and examining them was part of this little game they were playing while they were alone. [color=f6989d]"And yous thoughts yous weren'ts likes yer sister? Bless yer heart, yer just as shameless. Keeps tellin' yerself yous all works on the clocks, yup, sees right throughs that."[/color] The voice rang out in her head and Thana felt herself straightening rather quickly, an iron rod straight up her backside. She had heard the voice. [i]Her[/i] voice? No, it was her voice. Had to be. She had heard a voice in her head earlier but passed it off that it was her own mind speaking to herself. That was what was happening right then. She wasn't [i]hearing[/i] things. She couldn't be. Had no reason to. She felt no guilt over the deaths and they didn't even bother her. She didn't know them. [color=ed145b]"You gotta be fucking kidding me. This puta is what does it for you now? Look at her, one second playing with ya, the next cold as ice. Damn man, least her sister was fun. Knew how to have a good time. You really need another military momma around you? How much time you spend saluting each other? And what about that tall drink of water. Sure she says she's yours but a girl like this? You just fucking met her. How the hell you know you can trust her. Yeah, James knew her but that was how long ago? Not much of a reference if you ask me. Be like anyone vouching for Dick just because they knew him outside the wall. All you know she only said that to keep the peace, work her way under your skin and then bam, Texas is going to show back up, claim his girl and this place. Watch yourself Ash,"[/color] Alicia said from one of the counters, just sitting there as she shuffled a deck of cards. During the speech she got up and walked around Thana a few times before stepping into the shadows and she was gone once again. Snatching up a watering can, Thana figured that would work. It was a water can for gods sake. Not like it took a lot of time to figure out which one held the most and would work for the little project she had in mind. Shaking the thought of a voice in her head out of her mind she let out a breath and tightened the jacket around her waist. [color=0072bc]"Okay you said we could grab the rest from the distillery didn't you?"[/color] she asked as she stepped over to the wheelbarrow and set it down. Slowly her eyes found their way over to Ash. [color=0072bc]"Everything okay?"[/color] [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=598527]Lola Holler[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://cdn1-www.afterellen.com/assets/uploads/2015/10/tankgirl.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Heading Towards A Meeting[/center][hr] [color=598527]"Oh baby! I got a few things in mind on how you can repay me,"[/color] Lola taunted as she grinned over towards Thalia like a cat about to pounce a mouse. She blew the girl a kiss and gave her a wink before turning her attention back to the road. Thankfully the road seemed to be rather decently clear and from what she could tell traveled recently but it wouldn't be much longer that they would have snow tracks to be able to tell them anything. The sun was high and bright now, things were warming up quickly and the snow from the last weeks was melting faster the later in the day it got. Streams of water could be seen shimmering and running into the gutters along the side of the road. At Thalia's next words Lola snarked a bit. [color=598527]"Hey I'm as lovable as a Tasmanian Devil!"[/color] she laughed. She was, she could be a cute and cuddly but at the same time she could cause a whirl wind of chaos that would make most people run for the hill. [color=598527]"Anyways, my tank is all the scare I need,"[/color] she added as she patted the side of the seat she was driving from. Half the time it could make a person wonder just how much she enjoyed her tank. She loved it, that was plane to see, but at times it bordered on down right damn disturbing the way she went on about it. Acting as if it was a living breathing thing, talking to it like it was responding to her. Yeah, that Kiwi had a few screws loose.... As Alexander spoke Lola snickered a bit, she wasn't touching that one with a ten foot pole. Not that it was hard for Lola to like people, she generally did; even now. Thing was though, Thalia wasn't so accepting and Thalia ranked much higher on the totem pole than Alexander did. Anyways, she needed to pay attention to the road. Well not really, it wasn't exactly hard considering the conditions but she kept quiet anyways and just whistled a Cole Porter tune to herself, figuring she would let Thalia field that comment. Though that may not have been the best idea, if he irked Thalia then things with this spotted dick they were meeting up with could go sour quickly, oh fuck it, they probably would anyways. As much as Lola liked people, didn't mean that people liked her but fuck them, she had a tank. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=a187be]Tatiana Korvo[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/15538670_1799587316995431_8758437261512540160_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTQwNzYyMDA2MzI5Njc1NzI0MA%3D%3D.2[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] The Newnan's House (Building F)[/center][hr] Jim looked up as Riley entered and gave her a nod of his head and a general hello. He'd ask her what she needed but since there were already others in there gearing up, he figured he would let them finish before asking. Didn't want people trying to grab for the same thing at the same time. Was better to take this type of gearing in order of arrival unless it was an emergency but gathering the way Riley entered the armory he figured it wasn't. Tatiana smiled over at Ray and giggled a sorrowful giggle. [color=a187be]"James if boy, Jamie if girl. Vorks for both dah?"[/color] she half way asked. There were plenty of names for a baby that meant something to both Tatiana and Jack but James was their most recent family, it was only fitting the baby be named after him. Granted she had no idea what middle name the baby would get but that could wait. They had plenty of time, didn't they? As for his thanks she simply nodded an acceptance of it, it was her job to help people deal with their issues, reassure them when needed and give them a kick in the ass if it was called for. Looking over to Niesha Jim nodded and took out his clip board, marking down what she had taken so that it was accounted for and someone wouldn't be asking later where what was. This made things easier. "Okay girl, looks like you are all covered for here," he said with a slight smile. It was forced but that wasn't because of Niesha. He was always a little on edge when people were heading outside of the wall, granted today it didn't seem to matter if you were inside or outside, people still died. This thought made the forced smile even harder to hold. Glancing up at Jack she smiled. [color=a187be]"Ve figure it out. Have plenty of time, baby not due for long time,"[/color] Tatiana said brightly. She liked the name Sally. [color=a187be]"Sally James?"[/color] she suggested with a giggle. [color=a187be]"Think Miss Sally love that! Cannot vait to tell her!"[/color] Tatiana exclaimed. The more she thought about it for a girls name the more she liked it. Unfortunately Tatiana and Ray were still unaware that Sally had passed away. Jack hadn't told them yet and there had been no call over the radio to announce it that Tatiana had received on her radio frequency. As far as she knew everything was fine with Miss Sally. [color=a187be]"Any vord on Miss Sally? Vant to stop by and talk to her once she is feeling up to it."[/color] "Damn it's busy in here. Okay, he can have a knife from that row," Jim said pointing over to the stack marked "kids" and then turned his attention back to Chloe and gave her the same run down he had given Niesha. "Just make sure I get a chance to check everything out for you on the list before you leave." [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=f26522]Gavin[/color] & [color=fff79a]Ryan[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/9hBM85enKwGm4/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Near 545 Corinth Rd, Newnan: In the woods. (Not far from the Coweta County Water Authority)[/center][hr] [color=fff79a]"I'm the fucking Lord of the Dance, I'm always on point,"[/color] Ryan smirked as he took a toothpick out of his coat and stuck it between his teeth. There was a bit of pride on his features, sure he knew he was right but wasn't every day that someone was willing to admit that Irish knew a thing or two. At the mention of a sniper gun Gavin's eyes widened like a child on Christmas morning. [color=f26522]"Well slap me on my ass and call me Sally. Fuck yeah,"[/color] he said as he tore over to the truck and started scavenging. It was half a second later that he was pulling out the case and running his hands over it as if it was a a woman that was far too hot to handle. Slowly he opened the case and he let out a long whistle. [color=f26522]"Ain't that a beaUtiful sight?"[/color] she said to himself as he gently picked it up and started putting it together. Pointing it away from everyone he looked through the scope and grinned. [color=f26522]"Yeah, sounds sweet to me Mr. James. I be ready,""[/color] he said as he climbed into the back of the truck. He figured he could hop out when they got close and steel away into the woods. Ryan shrugged and climbed into the cab of the truck, like hell he was sitting out in the bed of the truck for this. If this went south, and chances were it would, he was at least going to have a decent place to sit for a bit. [color=orangered]"That hombre better be good to that gun..."[/color] a voice said creeping into James mind. It was cold and warning as it spoke. [color=fff79a]"Sounds like we are packing. Alright Bea, let's show them how we handle things downtown,"[/color] Ryan chuckled as he got comfortable and waited for James to take them to their destination. Gavin gave a thump on the hood of the truck to let James know he was ready and took point. The rifle set up on the top of the truck and Gavin ready to pull the trigger if needed even if they were still driving. Bracing himself for the ride, he was ready to go.