[@Deadlyrose9641][@Chasebloodcrest] [center][hr][hr][url=https://fontmeme.com/we-the-best-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171020/40c680142a40ab99d28ebd4fcfc744d4.png[/img][/url][hr][hr][/center] Mandy sighs and sweeps the envelope off the counter doing her patented magician tricks with such things. [i]"Some people think they own the world"[/i] she says looking at Tony She knew that Amy had rich parents, hell she had upper middle-class godfearing parents herself and they disapproved of her since they became successful. Oh well that was Amy's problem not her's [i]"So Tony, Pie? I have a Lovecraft Mincemeat special, same as always $3.25 a slice?"[/i] [hr][hr] [i]"Hectocotylus or hectocotyli are the arms of male cephalopods that are specialized to store and transfer spermatophores to the female. Gives new meaning to handjob, doesn't it?"[/i] she asks rhetorically [hr][hr][h2]Everyday I believe people can't get any Dumber, and every day I'm Proven Wrong[/h2][hr][hr] Mady writes on the Chalkboard behind the counter