[@Chasebloodcrest][@Deadlyrose9641] [center][hr][hr][url=https://fontmeme.com/we-the-best-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171020/40c680142a40ab99d28ebd4fcfc744d4.png[/img][/url][hr][hr][/center] Mandy looks at the mone regarding it for a moment as she weighs her options then she passes her hand over the stack causing it to vanish. Many who saw this trick never figured out they were watching a street thief at practice though Mandy herself had never stolen a dime but kept the skill up as a way of remembering her trip to Morroco and a friend there. [i]"Six Hundred is more than this place makes in a week, well some weeks"[/i] says Mandy with a chuckle [i] "Guess I can use the excess to buy Thanksgiving dinner for the Old Ones and maybe the Younger tenants. Lily says her kids can't make it to pick her up and well Elmer and Walter are alone in this world so who's going to feed them?"[/i] she says while also determining to go some of it back in case Amy hits hard times