[@Chasebloodcrest][@Deadlyrose9641] [center][hr][hr][url=https://fontmeme.com/we-the-best-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171020/40c680142a40ab99d28ebd4fcfc744d4.png[/img][/url][hr][hr][/center] Mandy yawned Amy making her sleepy. [i]"Patagonia isn't a lofty goal, now a trip to London or Paris that would be a lofty goal but even they are kind of scummy outside of the touristy areas. Now I really liked sailing into Edinburgh Tristan da Cunha, that was lofty"[/i] Mandy thought back to when she crewed as cook on a sailboat out of Durban when she was 19 and how if she'd have wanted to she could have stayed and had her pick of the local men or at least that was the hook she had been offered