[@0 Azzy 0] I agree that Kvothe would be a questionable character in an RPG, but that is true of a majority of characters in novels. [b]Rand:[/b] I'm playing the foreordained saviour and destroyer of the world with a dead guy in my head that will comment on my progress! [b]Nynaeve: [/b]I'm the strongest channeler in the history of the world and super bitchy for no reason. Also I can only channel when I'm angry, that will be an easy flaw to ignore [b]Elaine:[/b] I'm a princess who is also super strong at magic and for some reason can make Ter'Angreal even though that is knowledge that has literally been lost by every aes sedai even though they spend their lives studying them. Also with in three years we will literally be able to easily defeat thousand year old veterans who know every trick in the book. Books that don't exist anymore. and on and on. I'd have had questions for all of those players. His powers and talents never advance his true goals, they nearly always hurt, it is usually human acts of kindness that cut the Gordian knot for him. Although it is super convenient that he can play the lute down a string it is one of my favorite parts in the book because of the discussion he has with his friends afterwards.