Since losing her Church, and putting in her urgent call for assistance, Arianna Lombardi has had very little to do. It would be equal parts uncouth and suicidal to simply open a hunt on every Magus in the city, and to begin the slow process of destroying the sinners that have descended on this city. That can come as a part of 'clean-up'. Once the Masters fight and kill one another, she can do her best to pick her favorite to win. That's the way things are, because the Germans ruined the fight. Herr Herstelle should've killed her. It's not a good thing, but at the point that he was taking the Holy Church, would it honestly have made things worse? The answer, in short, is no. Even if she were murdered, the Burial Agent was coming. Even if she was not murdered, the Burial Agent was still coming. Would her death make him more dangerous? More vicious? More powerful? Almost certainly not. So, then, had he killed her then and there, he'd have removed someone able to kill any Master she saw fit. But, in return? She really would offer him mercy, if he surrendered and gave up his rights as a Master, when - not if - his Servant falls in combat. But until then, the Germans have made an enemy out of their Overseer. Perhaps not an enemy of the Church as a whole, but certainly an enemy of Arianna. ... If, a passive one, for the time being. The last several hours, since she moved away from the church, have been spent at a hotel bar, slowly working through their stock of whiskey. Remarkably, due in equal parts to her physical conditioning, and her tolerance of alcohol, it's yet to seem to effect her. She drinks, and it's like nothing even happens. She's already taken a room, and left some of the larger weapons in place there, but for the time being, she's idling. Waiting for things to crack, like the glaze of a fired pot smashed under the weight of a sledgehammer. Of course, if the Church really thought ahead, they'd organize something akin to a meeting point, or some line of contact between the Burial Agent and the Executor. But, that didn't happen, so she'll just wait. If they are supposed to meet, they will meet. If they aren't supposed to meet, they won't. She might not believe that, but she has faith in it none the less. Luck is a divine thing.