The answers, in a way or another, relieved Tony. Of course, it gave him the impression that this coffee shop; whether a shitty cheap pit or not, is not actually reflective to its appearance reputation. And what's beneath the book's cover existed kind people with dreams, ambitions; a distant sand castle to grasp. For the first time, tension melted like snowflakes on grass and the nerd felt relaxed? maybe. Comfortable? guess so. [center][color=cccccc]Yeah.. it felt like home.[/color][/center] His eyes analytically stared at Mandy. Before, she was that crazy girl with the horrible taste of music, utterly inside the weird-zone, and my-- let's not forget those mugs. But now? In his eyes, she became the girl who simply act effortlessly herself, a human being with dreams and shoulder-burdened responsibilities, ones she never asked for but is well taking care of. Going to Amy, his false studies assumed she was a shallow person that writes smut. [center][color=cccccc]Oh c'mon, it was just assuming.[/color][/center] Then comes that tall rich man with an envlope and the table flipped upside down. It turned out that she descended from a wealthy family and doesn't give two shits about money. You know how hard to find people like that? right, in your dreams. A sigh of guilt fled his lips as he adjusted his glasses once more, out of habit and distraction too, he felt sorry for misjudging people so quickly, fucking fool, fucking retarded. [center][b]"I guess this place isn't that bad, huh?"[/b][/center]