[Hider=Lucian "Luc" Masque[/hider] Name:Lucian Masque Age:25 Gender:Male Race: Human Appearance: [hider=armored][img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/05e0/th/pre/f/2012/364/e/a/dark_souls_2_practice_by_menaslg-d5pnok0.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Unarmored][img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/e316/th/pre/i/2013/268/a/c/dragon_reborn_by_awynt-d6nw7wh.jpg[/img][/hider] Personality:Lucian can be described as honorable, he will always do the right thing even if it comes back to bite him, he would not strike down a prisoner or a unarmed man as well. He can be a little bit of a stick in the mud sometimes, and has a hard time developing friendships thanks to it but his intentions will always be straight and true, and when one earns his friendship he would die for them. Brief Backstory:Lucian lived as the son of a tailor, his father having died shortly before he was born it was just him and his mother. And for the most part even though times were tough and they struggled to get by they were happy. Things changed when the boy was thirteen, the lord who owned his little village swept through it taking anybody of fighting age, to go die in some petty dispute with a neighboring noble. As luck would have it Lucian was one of these people, and when he set out little did he know he would never see his mother again. His first battle could only be described as catastrophic, put into a desperate siege against his will. Lucian and the others of his village found themselves charging across a field strewn with corpses, arrows seemed to find the unlucky few and one found Lucian in the shoulder. But the desperation to live drove him forward, it drove him up the ladders, and it drove him to kill in the name of a lord who cared little of him. It was after this battle, that he attracted the attention of one of his lords knights. The knight requested that he be able to take the boy as his squire, and his lord agreed. The boy trained to be a knight. Learning swordplay, how to ride and care for a horse, how to use a lance, honor and chivalry, and tactics. He took to this new life eagerly, until his master died in battle. With nowhere to go, and kicked out of his masters home. He wandered, until he heard about the Iron Rose knights and their cause, so he sought them out hoping to become one of them. Equipment:Longsword, lance, armor, His horse named Brother, backpack, rations, a single book about history, and his trusty bedroll. Skills:The sword is where Lucian shines he even goes as far as to call it his wife, on the battlefield it becomes apart of him. The two of them together become a deadly dance the likes of which few can stand, but on horseback he is just as deadly either with his lance in hand or with blade, the two of them together make for an excellent pairing. [/hider]