As Magus backpedaled away from Dian, he heard a noise: the rumble of a motorcycle coming up the street. This was nothing unusual in a city like Epic City, even with the motorcycle likely heading in the direction of the fight--the High probably knew that Magus and Vice alone wouldn't be able to take on these villains and had sent reinforcements. What was unusual was that Magus didn't just hear the motorcycle approaching; he felt something that he had never noticed before: subtle changes in the air, tiny vibrations in the earth, miniscule changes in the amount of moisture in the air around him. Magus had no idea what any of this meant, but something was changing. As the newcomer shouted at Dian and the sound of gunfire rang through the street, Magus felt it again: a slight change in the moisture in the air, a slight compression of the air brushing past him, a shift in the vibrations across the ground. Magus still wasn't entirely sure what was happening, but he was beginning to get an idea. Now, if he could just hone in on these new sensations, he might be able to make up for his blindness. Unfortunately, with events moving forward rapidly, it seemed unlikely that Magus would have a chance to explore this new-found ability before he was attacked again. He could hear Dian walking around him, so he turned in the direction of the sound, his staff held out in front of him, the way a blind man would use a cane to feel ahead of him. "Who are you, and what are you doing here?" he asked for the third time, his stance defensive, his eyes, unseeing though they were, locked on his assailant. [@floodtalon][@Regitnui]