Hello! I'm a smidge rusty, but this looks to be a fantastic RP. I'm thinking to make a Varyan marksman whose spells revolve around water. Example uses include coating floors, creating mist, and attempting to forcefully down someone by shoving water down their throat. Restrictions would include it needing to be essentially pure water (no blood, sewage, etc.) and that he cannot change its temperature (such as in Avatar TLA freezing/unfreezing). So far as his personality goes, I'd imagine him a bit of a glory hound, wanting to get something done and grumbling about what he calls "down time." That said, there is no better feeling to him than a plan perfectly executed and he will work through whatever it takes if its for some clear goal. Since his goal is to be a war hero, that means working through whatever it is Varya's military wants of him. A question, since this wasn't quite directly addressed: do people recuperate their ether? That is to say, is the pool they're born with their pool forever, or does the body slowly produce more, like blood?