[Hider=Fritzi/Frankie][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/IhbS02Q.jpg[/img][/center][/Hider] [center][h3]Basic Information[/h3][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Francis Morgan, real name Fritzi Armbruster [b]Nicknames:[/b] Frankie, Grease, on account of the occasional dirty hands and face she has from working on the suits or helping the maintenance personnel [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Caucasian [b]Nationality:[/b] US [b]Occupation:[/b] CARAPACE Information Analyst/Maintenance Tech, Science Team | CIA SAD/SOG Specialized Skills Officer [center][h3]Appearance[/h3][/center] [b]Physique:[/b] Fritzi, or Francis as she is known to the Science Team and the crew of the Howard, has a lithely muscled frame reminiscent of a gymnast or swimmer [b]Height:[/b] She stands at 5'6”, but holds an air to her that overtops 6 [b]Weight:[/b] 156lbs [b]Hair:[/b] Brown, usually pulled into a messy bun or simple ponytail [b]Eyes:[/b] Blue [b]Skin:[/b] Caucasian, tanned from multiple smoke breaks on the topdeck [b]Scars / Markings / Etc:[/b] None [b]Clothing Description:[/b] Clad usually in tight-fitting jeans, sneakers, a plain t-shirt or band tee, as well as her laminated badge for ID purposes on the ship and to scan through her office door. [center][h3]Inventory[/h3][/center] [list] [*] Laminated ID Badge [*] Wood ring worn on chain, keepsake from her mother [*] A picture of her late husband holding her daughter [*] Her insulated coffee mug, always filled with the magic elixir needed for long nights of work [*] Pack of cigarettes, she has a carton in her locker with multiple packs inside [*] Smartphone and Personal Laptop, both with secret encryptions to the NSA/CIA network [*] Thumb-drives and an external harddrive for copying important information from CARAPACE suits and forwarding it to CIA analysts [*] A small diving knife [*] A a fixed-blade combat knife [*] Toolbag for working on the CARAPACE suits. [/list] [center][h3]Identity[/h3][/center] [b]Personality:[/b] Fritzi grew up rough, with an alcoholic father and a mother too scared of him to leave. This environment can either harden a child and develop a thick shell of spite and anger, or it can break them down into a mushy mess of trauma and low self-esteem. Fritzi vowed that she would make something of herself and not end up like her Afghanistan-vet father. That thick shell of spite and anger propelled her like a bullet through a life of high-risk careers. Because of her upbringing, she has trouble trusting others she hasn't shared some sort of hardship with, whether that be combat or just the simple workload her career entails. She speaks little unless she feels what will pass her lips is important. She is not a constant curmudgeon though, able to have a much-needed sense of humor when the going gets rough, learned from years of having the going get rough. To those outside of her immediate circle- which is most people she knows- she is a strong woman, capable of walking off all the things life throws at her with the ease of a tightrope walker. Much like the same tightrope walker though, that appearance wasn't gained without many trips, stumbles and falls. She views life as a challenge, a mountain to be climbed, a beast to be conquered, a roiling sea to cross. She'd be damned if she was caught in the tides and drowns. Along with all of this, she isn't as bad as she seems and does grow on people. To those she deems close enough to become friends, she lets her humorous side show and opens up, albeit very slowly. She recognizes the value of trust and bonding when it comes to working in a team environment and, because of this, will go to great lengths to help those she sees as friends through rough spots. She doesn't have much family left and most people don't understand the life of someone in her line of work, so friends and confidants are hard to come by. She also has a soft-spot for mothers and children, being a mother herself. She will show a side of weakness when it comes to children, almost doting on them even if they're not her own. Like her willingness to take to people quicker if they've shared the hardships of military service and combat, she has the same outlook towards parents in general. Raising a child might not be the stress levels of a tightly-wound spring ready to explode at any moment, but it is an endeavor that deserves commendation when done well. [b]Strengths:[/b] An almost single-minded obstinance when it comes to her work. She views the connections she makes with people, however few, are deep as her bones. She views the betrayal of these bonds as grounds for physical altercation. She is very goal-oriented, always wanting to trim the fat from her life to streamline her ability to achieve success. Whether that fat might be people or the time it takes to walk from her laptop to her garbage can, she can and will change something about it. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] She has a habit of smoking, and she does have an urge to go to the bottle when things get [i]exceptionally[/i] rough. She has a well-hidden deep mistrust of those outside the circle of people she deems as trustworthy, in her line of work it pays to be cautious. In times of great stress, she can tend to focus too much on her work and enter into unhealthy headspaces and habits, such as chain-smoking and under-eating. She can also be a little hot-headed and irritable in these sorts of mindstates, but takes precautions to avoid going to that place. Life sometimes has a way of bypassing those though. [b]Likes:[/b] Cigarettes, because work is stressful sometimes Whiskey, because being sober is stressful sometimes Quiet nights of alone time, she likes to focus on quieting her mind sometimes after a long day of hard work Quiet nights of team bonding, Sitting around and bullshitting with the team is a good way to get your mind off things. Not to mention a good way of collecting intelligence to forward to your agency. Reading, because sometimes she'd rather be a large barbarian warrior in a snowy hellscape 80's Hard rock and heavy metal, a leftover love from her childhood Achieving goals in any aspect of her life, goal oriented [b]Dislikes:[/b] Cigarettes, they cause cancer, she doesn't want cancer Quiet nights when she doesn't want alone time, being alone can be the opposite of tranquil for her Being bothered while she's working, it's either a minor annoyance or risking being jailed for espionage against UN interests Plans gone awry, she doesn't like to be disappointed knowing she could've done better Liars, they are an affront to every ideal she holds Abusers, being the survivor of abuse, she has a special hatred for these people [b]Fears:[/b] Rejection, both romantic and social The prospect of never being the mother her child needs, because what mother wants that Failure such as that she is burned by her organization, or stuck behind a desk. She was made for field-work and has worked hard to let her superiors know that. [center][h3]Biography[/h3][/center] Fritzi was born in West Virginia in a small town named Flatstone to Peter and Helge Armbruster. Peter was a German immigrant who joined the Army to gain his citizenship and was forever changed after his experiences in Afghanistan. When he came home, he was a changed man, friendlier to the bottle than he was to his wife or daughter. Fritzi spent as much time away from home because of this, a fact she would later regret when her father had hospitalized her mother and family friend, Joseph, on the Fourth of July during a particularly extreme episode of PTSD. She knew if she was there, she could've done something to stop it, or at least she told herself that. After the events of that night, she vowed to be more than her father, and bless her heart, stronger and more independent than her mother. To not make the same choices as her. Her high school years were turbulent, in which she was involved in numerous cases of fighting, drug use, and attendance issues, which landed her in counseling for her emotions and drug use. She resented it, and resented her mother for it, and blamed her father at every point for making this happen. The counseling did not help, and she kept going up until she graduated from high school with nothing much changed other than a child and her boyfriend. She applied to many colleges and was given an acceptance letter by none. Out of options, she walked past the threshold of an Army recruiting center, something she was initially uncomfortable with because of her father's background in the military. Even so, she signed on for an initial four years as a 37F, or Psychological Operations Specialist. She seemed to be shaping up into a fine soldier as the days, weeks and months went on. The Army fostered her spite into a can-do attitude and her career took off from there. Being shipped off to sensitive areas where the US had interests, she was put on the ground to help everything from humanitarian missions to sensitive assignments she may still not be able to talk about the particulars of, at which point she'd spent six years in the military. It was around this time that she received word from home that her high school sweetheart husband was struck and killed by a drunk driver with their daughter in the car. Thankfully, her daughter had survived with minor cuts and scrapes. With no one to take care of her while she was gone, Fritzi reluctantly gave the girl over to her Aunt Maddie and Uncle Charles. Not long after, her career took a turn for the worse on a relief effort assignment in the mountains of Afghanistan. Tasked with accompanying a contingent of UN aid workers to an isolated village recently attacked by the Taliban, her convoy came under fire and her food truck in pieces from an IED. She managed to crawl to safety and rally some of the survivors before they were chased further up the valley. It was a five hour firefight hunkered down by dilapidated mud-brick housing, some trees and a rock or two. This event is still something she sees in her dreams to this day. She came under fire for losing three of her soldiers and she knew she had no hope of any more promotions. She now had somewhat of an understanding of what her father went through, but even that would not allow her to let go of the past. She spent the remainder of her career in a limbo and just before her contract was up, she was approached by a man named George Gracy. He urged her to accept his offer. There was nothing for her back in her hometown, re-enlisting would prove fruitless with her past fuck-up and she would be unfulfilled working any desk-job she could get after the military. So she took him up on his offer. A few months later, she was attending classes and receiving training in everything from marksmanship, martial arts, tradecraft and languages at the fabled training camp, The Farm. It was not long before the CIA could mold her into something they needed, taking her can-do attitude and ability to mold almost seamlessly into different cultures and stripping away the Army uniform from it all. Her first assignment for this mission was somewhat underwhelming to her, and only a desk-job of a different sort- she was to be implanted into the IRV Howard's Science Team as the CARAPACE tech, responsible for maintenance and data analysis. Her reasons for the mission were need to know, and she did not need to know, it seems. [center][h3]Skills and Stats[/h3][/center] Gifted(+5): Stealth | Disguise Adept(+3): Computer Science | Marksmanship, handguns | Awareness Average(+2): SERE | Engineering | Hand-to-Hand Novice(+1): First Aid | Interrogation | Psychology | Persuasion Fluent in: German, Pashto, Farsi, Tagalog [center][h3]Relationships[/h3][/center] [b]Relationship Status:[/b] Widowed [b]Family[/b]: Peter Armbruster, Father, Deceased Helge Armbruster, Mother, Deceased Hayden Tremane, Husband, Deceased Alayne Armbruster, Daughter, Living [b]Opinions of Other Researchers/Crewmembers:[/b] [list] [*]None, as of yet [/list] [center][h3]Miscellaneous[/h3][/center] [b]Other:[/b]