[center][h2]Looking-Glass[/h2][/center][hr] Charlotte gagged a little and rolled her eyes. She was old enough to be aware of the details physical intimacy, but it was [i]Dragon[/i] and [i]Spectrum[/i]. This wasn't the first time they've done something like this in front of her, and she was sure it wouldn't be the last - it would still weird her out no matter what. In any case, she shook her head. Dragon was surprisingly on board with having her help them; she was only somewhat surprised - it was Spectrum's lack of resistance that got her. Perhaps she wasn't taking her seriously; if that was the case, she'd be in for a bit of a bad time. Charlotte had every intention of coming with them, even into the thick of danger. But Dragon was right . . . "Heroes because we have to be, huh . . ." she muttered, before glancing up at Xoxi and Alex. With a thought and in seconds, an animated suit of white armor ran towards her, and equipped itself on her. If time demanded that she act as Looking-Glass once again, then she was obliged to answer it. Chesire purred his way to her side, and as she steeled herself, she was suddenly aware of a hollow, sinking feeling in her chest. Aida was still locked away, and without her, the team wasn't complete - however, the courts had deemed her a danger, and were still deliberating her case. She bit her lip. There was no helping it; she was already breaking a lot of promises by going out like this, but she couldn't answer for Aida - not when Aida herself was the one who imposed that on her. She may have created her 'children' but she did not control them, however much the courts, and maybe even Dragon, though he's never stated it outright, believed that to be the case. Still, with Aida missing, and without her guns, she was lacking critical components of her fighting-power. She wanted to help, but like this, there was not much she could do asides be a burden. White Knight granted her superhuman physical capabilities, but with no way to cover the distance, she was left with her negligible hand-to-hand combat skills, and she disliked the idea of taking chances like that. Nevertheless she had a duty to answer, so she tapped Alex on the shoulder, Cheshire perched on her own. Her voice was obscured and distorted through the helmet, but still carried her determined tone through, clear as day. "I'm ready." Ready as she'll ever be, under the circumstances. [hr] [@Old Amsterdam] [@Regitnui] [@Banana]