Zach couldn’t help that his smile lingered a little bit longer hearing what Dahl muttered to herself. He didn't say anything else though. He liked to pretend he couldn’t hear when she muttered to herself, it felt like an invasion of privacy sometimes, that he really couldn’t help. Instead he played with Poppy and her bear, it was hard not to find it cute how easy she was being on the bear. Though he had no doubt he would be picking up fluff in the morning. Then Dahl asked him what he thought of their new acquaintances, and he answered before asking her thoughts watching her cook the veggies. Zach was quiet as he listened to her, he hadn’t felt like they were too much of a threat either. He could understand her worries though, watching her look at the floor before looking back at the steaks and veggies. It might have sounded weird but the fact she cared so much about everyone, was part of the reason he loved her so much. He had knew that Hoyt would be the main reason she would worry if she did. He really wished there was something he could tell her, but it had been a reason he was worried about Hoyt too. He smiled down at his plate for a moment before looking back at Dahl, taking a moment to think over his words when she was done before speaking. “Who know babe, even if it passes the votes, we can keep Hoyt safe. No one would tell what type of hybrid he is. Everyone wants to keep Hoyt from that.” He said softly, trying to soothe her worries some. He then started eating his steak and vegetables as she sat down, medium rare and it tasted great. Zach couldn't help the amused smile on his face at her next words, it was kind of cute though. “No, I’m fine darling, I don't think you can make it too rare for me.” He did wish he had thought to buy some wine for their dinner though. He did think to buy something though. “I bought you something while you were shopping though.” He said before handing her a small box he had hid in his pocket, inside was a pair of [url=]earrings[/url] that looked like wings. “I hope you like them, I mean you have your own but they made me think of you.” After dinner was over he put one of Dahlia’s favorite movies on and promised her that he would do the dishes in the morning. Pulling her over to the couch with him. -- The sound of the bedroom door opening woke Mitch slightly, it hadn't been that long since he simply decided to “rest his eyes” and fell asleep. He was about to tell Lia to come to bed with him before he heard her talking to someone. He listened for a moment for someone to answer before he heard her get into the shower. Maybe he was just hearing things? He had just fallen asleep again, when the door opened again and he heard Lia talking a bit more. Mitch smiled to himself for only a moment when him realized that she was talking to herself. It was a little adorable as much as hilarious, he always talked to him, he could remember when it used to drive her crazy. He laid there quietly listening to her list off what she was going to do, partly because he wasn't sure if it was morning and he didn't want to be awake. Feeling her move the book off his chest and kiss his cheek before cuddle to him. Mitch moved his arm wrap her, sleepily mumbling into her hair. “Night honey.” Before he fall back asleep. -- Kat smiled as Lia kissed her cheek, kissing hers back. “We won't be mom, good night.” She reassured her before watching her leave the kitchen and she waited a moment before looking at Aless as she said Cass had gotten back to her. She was going to get Izzy to come too, she gave a quiet excited clap at the news. She nodded her head giving her older sister a look. “I do, I mean clearly she beyond stressed. You saw the tiny freak out she had about the music last night.” She frowned a little and shook her head. “Cass and Izzy will be so much help they are used to throwing parties and weddings.” She said with a smile. “Plus mom will be so surprised.” Kat was happy that she and Aless had come up with this plan, Lia could use help. Not only with the wedding but with her stress levels. She swore that Lia wasn't sleeping as well worrying about it. Plus it would be so nice to see the both of them again. She was going to see them at the wedding of course, but she did miss them. Even Checkov too. She started to gather up the papers they had been working on when Aless asked to stay with her tonight. She had told Atty she would come sleep in his room, but she was sure he would understand. “Sure, let me just tell Atty I’m not staying in his room. I hate to think of you sleeping up in that tree. It's cold out there. I am kind of tired though so let's go to bed.” Kat said smiling at her big sister. She knew just how bad Aless and Roland's fights could get, and she didn't want Aless running off again. Writing a note on a piece of sticky paper just in case, she headed to Atticus room after unlocking hers for Aless and giving her some pjs, so she didn't have to go back to her room. She could hear his soft breathing as soon as she opened the door a bit. Kat couldn't help but smile to herself because Atticus was also so cute when he slept. She left the sticky note on the back of the door where he could see it when he woke up. [I]“Gonna stay with Aless in my room. Kisses your Kitty”[/I] A little doodle of a frog with a top hat on the edge of the note. Kat knocked on her door, which felt so weird, before coming into her bedroom. An extra pillow and blanket in her hands, handing them to Aless with a smile. “I didn't know if you wanted to cuddle up under one blanket so I brought you one.” Climbing into her bed she smiled holding up her stuffed frog. “You can have Philburt if you want too. He makes everything better.” She kicked the frog's front legs at her sister. -- Eli was not a fan of motorcycles, he never had been and almost getting hit by a car didn’t help him feel any better about them. Literally the only good thing about this was Rhi. Once they stopped at the bar she said that driving motorcycles was fun…..yeah, he would just have to agree to disagree on that one. Her reply to him wanting to sit with her made Eli wonder just how bad his guy really was. The question was answered as soon as he saw him. He wouldn't even want to do busy with this guy, and his standards for people with information was pretty low at times. The first the guy touched Rhi, Rhi handled it herself and he didn't want to undermine her, though he did move her glass out of Chester’s reach. The last thing he wanted was the guy to try and drug her. Though she spent what felt like forever in the bathroom, and from the smell of Chester he must have bathed himself in cheap dollar store cologne. I was kind of ready to leave already. When she finally came out of the bathroom, she looked really pissed. After watching dick face get hissed at, he decided he would ask what happened after they left the bar. Though the bastard had the nerve to touch Rhi again, hand going further down than it ever should have. When Rhi asked if Eli wanted another drink, she didn't give him a chance to reply, but he wouldn't have anyway. As soon as Rhi left the table Chester went to sit back down, fuck no. Eli stand hand grabbing the back of Chester’s neck, pushing his head to slam into the table hard enough to spill Chester's own drink, it soaking his hair. Eli’s other hand had Chester's wrist, twisting it, shoulder pulled farther back then it should be. One small movement and he could break Chester's wrist and dislocate his shoulder. Eli gripped his hair pulling his head off of the table so he could see him. “Listen here mother fucker.” He started voice quiet and eerily calm. “I don't know what cologne fill shit hole you climbed out of. But, I believe that the rules were you don't touch Rhi. And if it was me making the rules you wouldn't be allowed to look out of her without having your eyes cut out.” He looked up to see Rhi taking their drinks and turn to head to their table, he leaned in really close, his voice low and darker. “So you will treat her like a lady or you won't use this arm again for a while. And if I hear you touched her again, even a little hand shake. Me and a couple of my irish friends will find where you live and make it where you don't even have something for you to touch.” Letting go of Chester's head he patted his cheek, his words a little loud. “Make sure you clean up your mess there buddy.” He gave Rhi a small smile as he took the glass from her hand, and sat back at the table, sipping on his drink as he took out his phone to see Tara texted. [i]An outside group dead. Kyp said it was a group of demon hunters Rhi’s brother knew. Might go with.”[/i] Eli frowned at his phone, no wonder Rhi seemed so pissed off. [I]Fine, if they want you to. Be careful and let Taylor know you are leaving.[/i] [I]I don't need Taylor knowing when I leave. He isn't my babysitter.[/i] [I]Either tell him, OR GO HOME TARA. I’m not in the mood for this.[/i] Eli was glaring down at his phone as he sent the text, before putting it back in his pocket ignoring the buzz back as he paid attention to what was going on with Rhi and Chester taking sips of his drink. -- Tara chuckled a bit when Kyp said he could tell her stuff she wouldn't believe, it would have a really nice offer. If it was terrifying to think that he could find out stuff about her too. His answer to her asking him not to tell people her stuff, was reassuring, and she smiled up at him when he said that she was cool. “Well it's about time someone else realized it.” She said with a laugh. “You're cool to gigantor, though I might take you up on that offer.” Tara laughed a little at the fact Rhi could only drive motorcycles, that would so suck for Eli! “Well to be fair they are really time consuming so I get that.” Then they got on the subject of Kyp’s sanctums and what he did for Rhi. The fact he used the word sanctum made a lot more sense now. “Oh that is actually really awesome! I’ve never met a hacker before.” Tara tried to match the look Kyp gave her when she said where she lived. Apparently this Serg guy lived there too, but she didn't know all of her dozens of neighbors. “Well how was I supposed to know that? There are like six floors Kyp.” She said crossing her arms as she broke the look to stick her tongue at him. He said that Serg had a Nissan and she nodded a bit. I have a Civic been it's at the apartments.” Then bad news came about a few hunters they knew being dead, she felt bad, or as close to bad as she could, for Rhi. Simply nodding as he said that he had to take the phone call, and another hunter came over. He was bigger than Eli and Kyp put together, he could probably snap Kyp like a twig. As the two of them were talking she texted Eli. [i]An outside group dead. Kyp said it was a group of demon hunters Rhi’s brother knew. Might go with.”[/i] [I]Fine, if they want you to. Be careful and let Taylor know you are leaving.[/i] [I]I don't need Taylor knowing when I leave. He isn't my babysitter.[/i] [I]Either tell him, OR GO HOME TARA. I’m not in the mood for this.[/i] [I]Wow Mr.Grumpy Pants. Fine I’ll make sure he knows.[/i] The really big guy asked if she was okay. It was funny that he look kind of terrifying when he wasn't asking if she was okay, Tara nodded a bit. “Yeah I’m okay. It takes a lot to bug me.” Kyp asked if she knew Serg, who she guessed was this guy, and she shook her head before smiling as it started to click. “No, not officially, but you live in apartment 4 right? I’m the girl you always buzz in cause I forget my keys.” She thought knew that accent. “Before I head home do you guys need help?”