Tau didn't understand the reference, but nodded in agreement, suddenly worried about appearing ignorant or sheltered. [color=gray][i]Too late to worry about that now.[/i][/color] She followed Titan to the restaurant, a quaint little place that was bigger than it looked from the outside. As Titan spoke to the hostess, Tau lingered in the doorway, feeling awkward and out of place. She trotted after them like a lost puppy, and her stomach growled loudly as Titan said he would be buying. Her face flushed slightly, both at his wink and at her own stomach's betrayal, definitively embarrassed now. Tau buried her face in the menu. Everything sounded good. She could probably eat [i]at least[/i] four people's worth of food, especially on someone else's dime. She struggled with figuring out what she wanted, and the poor hostess-- [color=gray][i]Margaret,[/i][/color] she reminded herself-- had to come back twice before Tau figured out what she wanted. She ordered a large sampler platter and coffee. She kept the menu for the time being, reading and re-reading the appetizing meal descriptions. [color=gray][b]"I don't usually get a choice in what I eat,"[/b][/color] she explained sheepishly to Titan. [color=gray][b]"I've never been starving but the food is always whatever someone else didn't want... Beggars can't be choosers and all that..."[/b][/color]