[@CoyoteLovely][@Hekazu] [Center][color=fff200]Fionn Harken[/color][/center] [color=fff200]"Let's set up camp for the night. If the seal had weakened enough for overnight marches we would be seeing many more undead."[/color] A small rock clacked somewhere in the nearby ruins and Fionn glanced uneasily in the direction of the noise. [color=fff200]"Maybe we should make camp in the wood line. I still don't trust this place."[/color] Perhaps in contrast to his words the other Kindred of the group had moved out into the surrounding darkness. A set of wordless orders had set them into motion as they exited the ruins. The surrounding villages and minor lords needed to be warned of the danger that was rising in their midsts. It was a much more immediate task where any delay could result in deaths.