Grug nodded once more, his eyes giving off a more lively expression than in the light of day. For once he did not have to squint and the stereotypically red irises of his could be seen shining in the moon's glow. The elf had not been interested in providing them with her opinion, so he took it as an 'anything goes', much like his. "Then it is settled. Let us move this thing out of the way... could either of you take care of the horse after that? Wouldn't be right to keep the animal chained to the front after all..." he requested, knowing he would not be up to the task. It wasn't that difficult to move the wagon away, the horse could easily manage. What was more difficult to find was a clearing in the side of the path that could accommodate for it, but with his night-sight it was rather a non-issue. He smiled when he noted that there was still something he could count on left in his physical form as he steered the horse to pull the wagon to the spot. Getting out might require more effort, but that could always be solved. Now the sooner they got to rest, the more sleep they could get. If there were watches to be assigned, Grug offered to take the first. He was still well awake and his nocturnal disposition would only aid in seeing. If not, he would just do what he had planned for the post-watch period nonetheless: Head into his wagon for a rest. Technically speaking, his home could house all three, but it would get slightly crowded so he neglected to offer. That was, unless he would see either as woefully unprepared and in need of the resting place, but there was no way either of the ruin delvers would have committed such a mistake. Come morning, the Oracle would rise sluggishly and greet the sun with nothing but contempt. Having had a taste of the night, it felt like an undue punishment to return to the light of day. He had no idea about the rhythm of the other two, but they would have roused him from his slumber if he had overslept, right? Maybe they even had? He didn't remember either rapping on his door though. He approached their fire, eyes characteristically squinted. "Today is the day we begin the real journey, is it not?" he stated. [@CoyoteLovely][@Silvan Haven]