Alright, after some thought here's what I've decided on. 1. Posting speed will be minimum 2-3 times a week. Recommended 3 but 2 will do if you are busy. And this time around... I really will kick players after 1 warning. Updated rules section to reflect this change. 2. The "Set a Date for Dungeon Raid" will be in effect now. Here's how it will work; I will set the date for the raid and you will all vote which dungeon you'd like to go to. Until then, feel free to do what you need to do such as shopping or interacting. First dungeon run will be on 10/23 (Monday). Click the followings of this post for according dungeons: - The Hills Sorrow (Like) - The Savage Fields (Laugh) - The Endless Green (Thank) 3. If you have any friends who might be interested in this RP, refer them here. Thinking of accepting 1-2 more players at this point.