That honestly kind of sounds like an excuse to dropping RP's. You shouldn't drop out of group rp's because one person bugs you. It's beyond petty. Especially if it's long going. And if you drop a 1x1, because that person bugs you. Maybe you lack judgement and shouldn't have started or joined it in the first place? We can play the game of, you should blame yourself. But that just goes right back to "what if it isn't their fault?" I know I made the same mistake back in school, when people treated me like shit and spread a rumor about me. I always thought, "what did I do?" and I had counselors tell me "oh, you must of done something to them!" Only to believe that shit, because I was a gullible kid. And last day had some of my bullies come up to me and straight up admit, they we're treating me like shit for no reason whatsoever... Maybe the answer isn't that it takes two, or that the person is blameless. Maybe it's because a whole lot of people are generally self-centered and lazy assholes. Now, if those people keep having people drop RP's, while also happening to tell them. "You're too demanding" "You take things too seriously" "You don't write well enough." or something to that effect over and over again. Maybe there's some needed self reflection that the person needs to do. So I get the intended point, or what it should be anyway. But people dropping without word, there's usually not a super complex reason. The person is irresponsible with time management. Simple as that. I mean it seems like people don't have actual filters nowadays. So you'd figure if it wasn't the dropping person's fault. They'd be able to explain themselves. :D I've literally never dropped a roleplay without stating an explanation and it was never because of a single person that clashed with me. Because I'm not that childish. *Shrugs* Occam's razor applies to most situations. A principle that states that among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. So let's go with someone dense who started a 1x1 with someone and that person hasn't replied in a while and hasn't answered them back when asking what's up? What option makes the most sense with the fewest, 'but why's'? >A. Person is busy with super serious real life stuff. >B. Person is super angry at something you did. So they don't wuv you no more. (misspelled on purpose mind you.) >C. Person is lazy and doesn't take your time seriously. [b]Route A:[/b] Person is busy with life. Okay, why not say that? I'd understand. All people have a life. Some brag/make excuses about it more than others. But everyone has a life outside the internet. So why nothing said? [b]Route B:[/b] Person is mad and doesn't wuv you. Okay, why? What did I do? What did I say? I probably would be smart enough to remember a I shouldn't be confused. [b]Route C:[/b] Yeah, makes sense. It's often a fickle hobby. On to the next one. That's all there really is to it... [color=ed1c24]TL:DR[/color] Yeah, I learned a long ass time ago. People don't need reasons to do what they do...negative or positive. Most people don't think before they do what they do. So, I'm going to go with some people are poor with time management.