I'm very tired, but I want to at least get y'all a WIP of what I'm working on so I can get some early feedback. He turned out a lot differently than my initial ideas that had been rolling around in my head, lol. I still might Digimon AU one of my other OCs, not sure if I'll go with Takemi or Yuzuki. I'd really like to do some writing with Yuzuki since I haven't really other than an rp that died right away on another site and I don't think I got her really "right" then. Takemi was just a lot of fun for me to write last time I had an rp with her. (but I need to work with Hotaru too. looking back at the single rp post I got to make for her last I didn't get her voice the way I wanted to at all) lol Anyway enough rambling. Here's what I've got for this dude. [hider=My Hider] Name: Okuno, Seiji (奧埜青二) Age: 16 Gender: Male Digimon: Baby II: Wanyamon Child: Strabimon Adult: Gryzmon Perfect: Monzaemon Mega: Appearance: Height: 5’7”, with a well-built, muscular physique. He keeps his hair short and his clothes well kept. He doesn’t let himself slide even when it comes to casual clothes. Skills: He’s a second year on his school’s judo team and reasonably skilled. He works out to keep himself fit and strong for the club. Strengths: 1) Good physical strength and endurance in terms of, for example, lifting and moving heaving objects and carrying them for reasonable distances 2) He doesn’t let people get away with things, and will actively mediate disputes and won’t tolerate horsing around when there’s work to be done or practice to be had. Weaknesses: 1) While he has good physical endurance, his cardio hasn’t been trained as diligently and while he can manage sprints and similar, he can’t keep up speed for any distance 2) He has trouble relaxing around other people, and ends up being a bit of a stick in the mud. Personality: {Who is (Charater Name)? What do they like? Hopes? Dreams? Likes? Dislikes? Insight into the deeper aspects of who this character is.} History: He’s had a fairly normal upbringing, with normal, if strict parents and an older sibling. He always thought that the strictness he was brought up with was what everyone was raised with. It surprised him somewhat when, as a child, he’d visit his friends and see how much more relaxed their families were. He doesn’t resent his family or his upbringing. However, he tends to think that people with laxer families have turned out to be slacker types, and he’s seen it within the judo club as well. Character Goals: From my perspective, I’d mostly just like to develop my characters more through writing with them. I usually just adapt existing ocs for different roleplays but the characters have to exist first, and this is a concept I’ve been toying with in my head with my OU for a little bit. I’d like him to be more than “a nice person who Hotaru’s friends with”, haha. Other: {Is there something not included in this app that you, the creator of this character, would like to add? Please feel free to add that information beginning with this section.} [/hider]