[color=teal]"This sure was taking a long time. I wonder what he could be telling them."[/color] Michel mused aloud, tapping his foot somewhat impatiently. Truth be told, his real problem was how Venat only wanted to speak to Jaakuna, his mistress, and Aloa. What could he possibly have to say that'd only concern them? Knowing him like everyone in this surprisingly elegantly-decorated room did, he was willing to wager that, if nothing else, it wasn't anything good, though curiosity did outweigh his uneasiness about how they were sitting among the Scions who were doubtless ordered by Venat to keep an eye on them. Michel paid them no mind, especially Igeyorhm. As far as he was concerned, he was a nobody. Maybe he knew that. Maybe he didn't. Whichever it was, Michel treated it as he treated him: as nothing. Instead, he went back to what he had been thinking about. However, he couldn't help but notice something off about Meli. She was glaring at Nadeline rather intently. It was almost as if she had held a dislike for her. His mind wandered there for a brief moment, but the coughing from Wesley brought his mind — and eyes — to the dark-haired Dalmascan. He saw Wesley subtlely shaking his head. Whatever Michel had wanted to say, it seemed the future King of Dalmasca urged him not to go through with it. Michel knew this to be the truth. Besides, the last thing anyone needed was a reason for Meli and Nadeline to clash regardless of how entertaining it might've been to see. [color=lightblue]"These abominations better stopped staring or they'll lose their eyes."[/color] Savayna openly threatened them. They did not repsond well. A couple of them — mostly the ones who were already agitated (Igeyorhm and [url=https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61i-0XZut2L._SY450_.jpg]Lahabrea[/url]). They didn't take too kindly to Savayna's comments and it seemed both of them had lookeed at Savayna and were almost certain that they were going to attack. As she caught onto this, Savayna smirked, standing up. She drew out her Emperor Trident( a miniature version of Mateus' Trident) and took a stance. Wesley shook his head and took a giant step back, hooking Nadeline's arm with his own. Michel did the same with Meli(despite her vocal protests). Whether they were ready for it or not, a fight between three angry parties was about to begin and knowing Savayna like he did, Michel knew this would only end with their or her death. And Savayna went forward with the first strike, sweeping Lahabrea with her long legs, kicking him against the back wall. When her momentum had rotated her around, she brought her trident down at Igeyorhm's face, nearly as fast as he was.