[color=fff79a][b]Hazel Baker[/b][/color][hr] Having come out of the door tensed and ready, the oncoming demon, sandstorm and group of angry trees wasn't really that hard to spot, even in the rain and wind. The massive wall sizzling with every rain drop falling upon it did surprise her however. It was blocking the way to the boat. The wall, the group of demon and trees; both of them was blocking the way to the boat. One she had orders to go to. [color=fff79a]"Engaging enemy."[/color] Her upper half shimmered to almost invisibility, as she projected a large armored simulacrum of her upper half in front of her. Feeling confident her projection will protect her from anything in front, the large projection shielded its face with the left hand, as the right swept a large mace towards the front, with enough range to catch the wall in its attack.