Nadeline shook her head as Savayna would go through with her first strike. As she stood, she smoothed out her skirt, taking Wesley's arm and stepping back as he did. Not that she didn't seethis coming, as Savayna was rather easily agitated. Still, there was little tension as the woman would literally sweep the floor with the pair, and instead she would give Michel her intention. "[color=coral]I'm sure Venat is offering his terms to the three. I'm more than certain whatever plan they have includes Jaakuna's sigil, though I admit, I cannot see Venat himself offering much more. I'm certain they'll let us know once they arrive,[/color]" She said, ignoring Meli's glare. "[color=springgreen]I still don't like it,[/color]" Emiri was firm on her mistrust. "[color=springgreen]None of this would have happened if it weren't for him! Why should we be the ones to clean up his mess?[/color]" Grant let out a sigh at the ensuing brawl, though he decided he would rather not include himself; or rather, he was more than certain he would get dragged into it eventually. "[color=darkorchid]That 'mess' is threatening all our livelihoods, though I wonder if we are truly capable of felling such a creature,[/color]" He stated. "[color=darkorchid]Not that I discredit Aloa's abilities, but what could we possibly hope to do?[/color]" "[color=coral]Provide Jaakuna an opening, most likely,[/color]" Nadeline suggested, ignoring the burst of lightning that had erupted from Igeyorhm. "[color=coral]It makes you wonder if there's more to the situation that we don't know of.[/color]"