That sounds good to me. I'll probably lean toward them being around 15 at the start. Playing kids is always so tricky for me. -laughs- A skip then sounds good to me. I can also add other characters as needed as we go along or we can just share them depending on our scene. And I wasn't sure when it was even introduced in the anime or manga, but someone mentioned it and it sounded cool. Though I've seen some OCs where they have like 2-3 elements and I'm like 'woad dude, seriously?' cause I always assume unless you're Avatar you probably can't do multiple elements, or unless you're a sexy Copy Ninja. -clears throat- Anyway! I'd love to make Sakura a healer but still competent as a fighter, I feel like they didn't do much with her after a while and it made me sad and lose interest. She could be such a badass for girls to look up to. And tell me how you dig the show, my favorite episodes will always be Shikamaru besting Kin cause that was sneaky. And him against Temari, though I don't really ship him with her or Ino. I wish I did though, it'd make things easier I suppose. -laughs- But Sakura and him and super smart. They deserve cute smart babies. Ahem. And yeah I bet Shikamaru is a romantic at heart, such a cutie. I will try to get an intro up at some point this week. I don't think I have much on my plate aside from catching up on posts and job applications. And maybe call my health insurance but ehhh that can wait. -waves hand-