Alright, I think we're waiting on a few more Character sheets from [@Draken] [@shylarah] [@OppositionJ] and [@Scout]. In the meanwhile, everyone who has had their character accepted should start working on character relationships. You can use the following format for that to get started. These aren't meant to be immediately canon, but just ideas thrown out there for other players to work off of and respond to (or disagree with if they aren't cool with what you put out there). This preliminary "relationship sheet" is for my Inquisitor character, Father Ragnar, who I'll post a CS for later on today. [b]**Father Ragnar's Relationships:**[/b] [b]Father Rodion[/b] [@Drakey]: Ragnar was always in awe of Rodion's prodigious mechanist's talent. So much so that as children, the younger Ragnar would always hang around and watch the older boy work on his machines with rapt fascination. Even though the two rarely spoke (despite Ragnar's incessant attempts at getting Rodrion to open up) Ragnar looks back on those days fondly. Hours would go by with Ragnar watching the mechanist at work, with nary a word spoken between the two, and that seemed to suit Rodrion just fine. Rodrion, sweating in the Seminary's metalworks -- a place foreign to most pupils-- seeing him down there after morning training was like clockwork for Ragnar, and he delighted in discovering whatever new projects Rodrion was working on. These days, Ragnar and Rodrion still maintain their cordial but distant relationship. Still, Ragnar worries over the mechanist and often thinks about him. It took many years for Ragnar to give up on ever truly becoming Rodrion's friend, which deeply saddened the youngest war priest, but with the two becoming fully ordained Inquisitors, it was high time for Ragnar to grow up and take his position as the Protector of the group more seriously, which didn't leave much time for constantly worrying about his fellow pupil. [b]Father Hassan [/b][@Sisyphus] & [b]Father Yerokhin [/b][@The Angry Goat] Ragnar loves Hassan and Stina unconditionally. Ragnar, who is the youngest and smallest of the group, sees the two of them as brothers, as his difficulties with training and ether manipulation almost caused him to fail the first year and were it not for the two of them pushing him to his limit and making certain he would survive his training, he would have either perished with the fresh meat of those beginning pain-filled years or been shipped off to one of the lesser branches of the Church. Due to this, Ragnar's love, gratitude and admiration for the two older inquisitors knows no bounds, and as a result, to this day, he is always awkward around them. Whether it be straightening his back and deepening his voice whenever Stina passes by, or attempting to awkwardly replicate Hassan's devil may care attitude, Ragnar always overcompensates whenever the two of them are in the vicinity, a fact that isn't lost on either Hassan, Stina or anyone else in the group. [b]Mother Astraea[/b] [@deathbringer] Though Ragnar's has immeasurable respect for Astraea's skill in battle and believes her healing abilities to be essential to the group's survival, his feelings toward Astraea-- the person, and towards the entire nation of Lanostre itself, are complicated to say the least. Having his family massacred by Lanostran pirates has cultivated a silent hatred for the Goddess of the Trident within Ragnar, who he believes, in Her infinite power and omnipotence, could have easily stopped the slaughter of his mother, father and sister Herself. Though this burning enmity for the Lady has roiled within Ragnar since he was a boy, he tries to not let it color his feelings over Astraea, who he possessed a curt if not respectful relationship with.