"Yeah it's not like they performed countless atrocities, killed and absorbed who knows how many Digimon and destroyed several areas. Clearly they are the reincarnations of the Royal Knights. So of course we'll get along like house on fire." Doru responded sarcastically to the Big Death-stars being friendly comment. Though Robert noted the older Digimon and Norn's brief look of sadness when they heard the name of the Royal Knights. To Robert it seemed that the context of the name was a group of a paragons of justice, from they way that Doru was sarcastically comparing them to a group that had the death in their name and the fact that he called them reincarnations which seemed to indicate that they are long gone by now. Considering the events that are going on could they have fell to Tactimon's forces? Robert sat down with the two plates of food, which was a rather large piece of seasoned roasted meat wrapped around a leg bone. To Robert who came from a rather rich family, he had only really eaten rather high class and healthy meals, due to his parents paranoia about not getting a proper diet and health issues in the future, they decided to get a nutritionist to plan out his meals. Meals like this really was something new to him, just simple dish and sitting around with others during it rather the large dining tables that felt empty, other than the few times that a major event was going on or times when he used to visit his grandfather's home. Robert's thoughts were interrupted when Doru sat down next to him. Unlike Robert who was unconsciously following table manners that was drilled into him, Doru was attacking the piece of meat like it was his last supper or it was the only thing he had for ages, Robert had a feeling it was the latter. It seemed that Dorumon's lively way of eating calmed down most of the kids, as a way of confirming that the threat was over now and they can stop being afraid. Robert grinned at his partner and prepared to eat before realizing that there were no forks or knives. Robert interrupted Doru as he was eating and asked him. "Are we supposed to eat this with our hands?" Doru looked stopped eating for a moment and after swallowing a large bite of meat he responded with. "Do I look like I have hands to eat with? Look just eat it and don't over complicate things." Robert looked with a blank look and told him. "Doesn't that seem a bit barbaric?" To which Doru smacked Robert over the head with his tail, which felt like being hit with a pillow, a really soft pillow. "And this barbarian is telling you to just eat it!" Doru went back to attacking his meal and Robert picked up the two ends of the bones and was about to break all sorts of table manners by eating with his hands like a barbarian, until he saw someone in the corner of his eyes. Robert slowly put down the meat and got up squeezing though so he won't step on any of the in-trainings. Doru stopped eating and looked up at Robert leaning his head slightly to the left. To Robert said to him. "Don't worry about it I'm just going to be talking with someone for a bit. Just keep doing what you're doing." Robert walked towards two cats, a set of golden armour, and a patch of moss and turned and asked the patch of moss, Phase. "You ok? Or do we need to get you a pen and paper to write your will?" [@Renny]