Hey there, people of earth! My name is Mr Nim, and I come with an idea I wish to share with everyone! I'm gonna keep this short and simple as for the general idea : Earth has been conquered by aliens, and most of the population is either captured by aliens, under the rule of a Alien chosen Human, or on the constant run from aliens. There are several types of aliens to encounter, some are more disturbing than others, but its possible to fight all of them (So you won't think its the goddamn Reapers from Mass Effect, and that you need a spaceship to be able to defeat one of them.) I would love to answer any questions you may have, but for now I shall leave you with a short summary of the background from the eyes (And Diary) of a man in that world. [quote]21/12/2012. A date so many feared and a lot of people also claimed it was nothing. There were a few meteorite showers around the world on that day, but except for being a fantastic thing to view, there was nothing special about that day. Or so humanity thought. 1/1/2013 – Many people were at their home, and some still celebrating the New Year. A lot of people made jokes about what was supposed to be doomsday, but passed like nothing. Most of the people around the world didn’t notice that some people started vanishing. For the past next few days there was an increase in the number of people vanishing, and the news started to address it. Most people called it “Post Doomsday” as a joke. There was also an increase in people who claimed they saw aliens, but no one believed them. About 2 weeks after the first disappearance, The UN gathered to discuss something only known as “Project Gaia”. This made a lot of people start thinking their own governments have something to do with the disappearances. 25/1/2013 – Humanity made first contact with aliens. Or so they thought. They aliens did not say if they come in peace or not, and nor they did give out their name. The only thing the aliens did was to say “Give us the weak, the poor, the elder and the young, and we will make them great”. The governments decided, that because the aliens did not state how many people they wanted, they would each give 1/1000 of their country population. The governments mainly focused on the poor and weak, and about 2 weeks later they delivered the people to the aliens. 12/2/2013 – The aliens once again came with the same request. This time the governments stood up to them. The aliens decided to reply to the governments standing up to them by sending in a few ships that started destroying major cities around the world. First was London, then Paris, and followed after it were most of the capitals in Europe. The countries of Europe begged to the other countries to supply the people to the aliens, but the other countries refused. 15/3/2013 – The aliens have created their first major base on Earth, and they named it “Beta”. They started sending humans who tried fighting against them in there, and the humans who cooperated with them they sent into their spaceships. Many humans started creating small bases scattered all around the world, But the aliens tried to find those bases as well. Hunters began to appear as well. The aliens also took one of the humans, Chad Rotting, and made him in charge of sending humans to them. He tried getting the population of Earth to cooperate with him, but most of it refused. 3/4/2013 – Today. The aliens found the base I was in and now we have to evacuate. I can’t be sure if I will ever manage to write again in this old journal, but if someone else finds it, let there be known that I, Davis Goligon, have fought to my death. And if I’m alive and you are reading this, you better have a god-damned reason for doing so.[/quote]