Thorin narrowed his eyes at the she-elf, as she looked confident. His jaw clenched, and the look in his eyes darkened. How dare, she looked so confident? It annoyed him. "No, he hasn't mentioned the she-devil, that'd be among us." he said, in an agitated tone at her curiosity. "I'll be the judge of that!" Thorin replied, to her no threat comment. He was weary of her. Why should he trust her? Just because his nephews and sister trusted her? He would need proof, she meant no harm. He did not trust easily...especially the Elves. Kili's jaw clenched, at his uncle's words. "Don't you dare talk to her like that!" He sounded both hurt and angry. "Don't you, dare raise your voice at me young Kili!" Thorin, looked at his nephew with a frown. Not liking his tone. "No...I will!" Kili said "I don't like, how you're talking to my God-mother. She never done anything to hurt you! She's not the enemy! She's on our side!" Kili frowned, his arm went in front of Delva, protectively. Keeping her away from Thorin. ", Thorin." Balin sighed, as he looked at the Dwarf Prince. "Don't be so harsh." he shook his head. "I do apologize, his hatred of elves is rather deep. I am not sure, he always thinks straight." he looked at Saeril apologetically. "I am not putting, my Nephews, in danger...with her around." Thorin said,looking at Balin. He wanted to keep Fili and Kili Safe. But would they be? Especially with her around? "She wouldn't hurt us." Kili said, looking displeased with his uncle. He glanced over at his big brother and Gandalf, for some help. "Why do you have to be so unreasonable?" he asked his uncle, with a frown. Thorin sighed,as he heard his nephew. "Can't she go help someone else, if she wants to redeem herself?" Thorin retorted back. "I don't like, the idea of an elf coming along with us."