As nothing but silence welcomed her, she had to worry that the call was made to simply locate her. But she was frozen, almost seeming to wish that Tommy was alive and the one actually calling her. Talesin took the phone before she could say anything else, which she was secretly grateful for. "Thanks." She mumbled as she took the phone back from him. When the guy explained the jammer, she nodded. "Oh, that makes sense." She replied. She wasn't sure if she wanted to just trash her phone somewhere, buying a new one wasn't really feasible given her monetary situation. But she knew it was better to be safe than sorry, even if being safe meant being without a means to call her folks. Talesin offered her refuge which she was immensely grateful for. In the back of her mind she couldn't help but think about her parents and if she could also hide them out here but knew she was already on thin ice in regard to being spotted. If she left and came back, there was a chance someone would have followed her. The hidden lounge was a neat idea and one she had to wonder about who else had to use it in the past. She knew better than to ask questions and bother someone who was sticking his neck out for her. "Thank you." She said again, feeling like those words were beginning to lose their true meaning, the more she said them. Stepping inside she took a seat on one of the empty couches and curled up. Even though she didn't think she'd get any sleep, she wanted to try. Her eyes and ears noticed a familiar name and place. Her head jerked up in time to see the crime scene itself on tv. She hung her head and clenched her jaw, trying not to cry. She knew her parents had to be dead. It wasn't fair and it didn't make much sense. She folded her arms across her chest and pressed her back into the couch, now laying on her back, her feet twisted so they pressed against the wall next to her and the couch. How long could she stay? How long should she stay? Hisano let out a sigh, not wanting the same fate to befall Talesin who was helping her. It seemed that anyone who was kind, often ended up dead or killed. Hisano closed her eyes as she tried to tune out the tv in the room. She had no interest in getting to know anyone else in the room, not if her knowing them meant they might be targeted. After a few hours of trying to clear her mind, Hisano got to her feet and headed out the door she had come in. It was early morning and she decided to see if Talesin knew anymore about Tommy and his plans, she thought he had to know more than what had been said. Finding him down by the bar. "Hey. Is there anything else you can tell me about Tommy? I'm thankful you're letting me crash here but...I can't stay here and put your life and everyone else's life as risk." She voiced her thoughts to him. "I am way out of my depth here." She had to admit.