Backstory's a little short. But there's not much to go on with someone so straightforward. [b]Name:[/b] Endoleon Romulus [b]Age:[/b] Ageless (Eh, technically) [b]Race[/b] None (Eh, technically) [b]Country of Birth:[/b] Black Forest [b]Country of Origin:[/b] Black Forest [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Endoleon Romulus][img][/img][/hider] [b]Biography:[/b] Within the reaches of the Black Forest exists the Order of Volrund. This cult was founded by the now deceased warlock Koryx, who achieved an unnatural power through an enchanted staff in which he crafted; slain by an ancient hero long ago, Koryx's his magical feats and artifacts lived on in the hearts of the Volrund cultists. Dedicated to the advancement of the forbidden arts of the arcane, the Order of Volrund is notorious for it's rituals and experiments. Many of which are deemed unethical by the other races, and are met with hostility - which led to the seclusion of the Volrund deep within the Black Forest. The shrine of Koryx was created in an attempt to harness the power of Koryx's abnormal staff. The goal of this was to amplify the staff's power. Going as far as to sacrifice a small child in the hopes that it would please Koryx's spirit. Nothing happened. The attempt at achieving power was abandoned with their enthusiasm, along with the Staff of Koryx. In reality, the staff had simply not been used for decades, and was gathering power over time to release. Due to the abandoning, the staff had no release. And instead it condensed the excess power to create Endoleon; arcane energy manifested into a sentient form, Endoleon possesses many basic human senses, and is aware of his own existance. But lacked any motives or aspirations, and willingly ignored any morals. With essentially nothing to keep him in the area, Endoleon wandered beyond the Black Forest (Leaving the Staff of Koryx behind) until he met and allied with Vo’hedoq-gluth, whom he found in the Black Forest at a time for unspecified reasons. [b]Personality:[/b] Seemingly psychotic in nature, Endoleon is aware of the difference between right and wrong, and the concept of empathy, but completely disregards these emotions along with many others. He has a specific, albeit irrational hatred for small and cute races which most likely stems from his origins. He actively looks for excuses to attack them, be it minor or major. [b]Combat Skills:[/b] Being composed of arcane energy, Endoleon conjures temporary weapons made solely out of magic. He utilizes stealth and agility to kill from distances, or to quickly approach and attack targets in melee combat. [b]Adventuring & Survival Skills:[/b] Tracking, has basic knowledge of setting up camps. [b]Other Skills:[/b] Being unaware of his origins, many people do not know that Endoleon has the potential to charge magical items, should they run out of energy for whatever reason. This would leave Endoleon without the necessary power to conjure weapons for a while, however. [b]Reason for traveling:[/b] Endoleon does not have his own motives, and simply follows Vo’hedoq-gluth on his path to redemption. [b]Other:[/b] Endoleon lacks certain needs such as food, and drink.