[b]Name:[/b] The Isles of Vo’hollom [b]Political System:[/b] Aristocracy, more specifically the islands known as The Isles of Vo’hollom is ruled by three very wealthy families, with the heads of the families making most decisions for Vo’hollom. So far, Vo’hollom has been prosperous under their rule. [b]Location:[/b] The Isles of Vo’hollom are not on most maps, and instead exists as a chain of islands somewhere in the eastern ocean ((Think Marshall Islands)). Very few that are not native to the island have ever visited Vo’hollom, due to their self-induced isolation. [b]History:[/b] While not much is known about Vo’hollom, what is known is that it is a very dangerous place for outsiders. The people of Vo’hollom are xenophobic, and are quite hostile to those who would dare trespass their lands. The Aristocracy has decided that there shall be no contact with the outside world. However, their tendency to exile those who are guilty of heinous crimes has allowed some information has been revealed. The country is very wealthy, possessing beautiful and artistic buildings, with even those who are considered poor to be quite well dressed and well fed. The government is oppressive, to say the least. They execute those who cannot live up to their standards, eliminating poverty. They fill the minds of their citizens with lies of the outside world. They exile those who commit the worst crimes imaginable, even for a country that executes the poor. The exiled are forced to wear a bright yellow color, and then shipped off on a small raft without food or water. Most die, but some find their way to other lands. For being exiled is a fate worse than death in many of the citizens of Vo’hollom’s eyes. Despite these… irregularities, Vo’hollom has managed to stay in the good graces of most every political power house, mostly by ignoring them outright. No wars have been waged on the country, but ever cautious of outsiders, they have a rather large military that is restricted to the Isles of Vo’hollom. [b]Notes:[/b] -Ran by an oppressive Aristocracy -Exile those guilty of the worst crimes imaginable -Executes those who are poor -Isolationists that attack trespassers on sight -Xenophobic -Exiles forced to wear bright yellow and are marked with “The Yellow Sign” --- [b]Name:[/b] Izhai [b]Homeland:[/b] Vo’hollom [b]Country:[/b] Usually restricted to Vo’hollom, however a few exiles have been known to land on the shores of other lands. [b]Common Physical Features:[/b] The Izhai are rather large, definitely larger than most of the other races. Beneath the vague robes they wear, their faces are covered in a mass of tentacles. These tentacles conceal a large beak that is big enough to eat a child whole. Their eyes are small slits numbering four in total. Other than that, they have no real common physical features. [b]Common Physiological Features:[/b] Izhai have a mass of tentacles in place of legs, and the older they get the more tentacles grow. They do not have hearts or brains, instead having an organ that possesses both of these functions; this organ lies within the center of their mass of tentacles. This organ also lies beneath their substantially large stomach. They have an almost unending hunger, though they all have different tastes. Their arms are very frail, and they rely on their tentacles to do basic things. [b]Common Magical Features:[/b] No two Izhai are alike in the magical arts, though those who do pursue the magical arts tend to lean towards the darker arts, as well as the summoning of their ancestors. Most of these “ancestor spirits” resemble a mass of tentacles, and tend to hold opponents down. Izhai necromancers are not unheard of in their homeland, and the practice is actually encouraged. They do not consider any magic to be evil, and even frown upon those who do. However, Izhai are very susceptible to magic in all of its forms. [b]Other:[/b] Izhai speak a strange language, though they are quite intelligent and learn foreign languages quickly. While rare, exiles are not just one of a kind. Exiles do not generally hate their homeland, or their government, though to each their own. It is not wise to trust exiles, due to the fact that they are horrendous criminals. They are also egotistical maniacs who see themselves above everyone else. They are also naturally artistic, strangely. [b]Notes:[/b] -Hungry -Weak to magic -More tentacles the older they get -Rather resilient; due to their large stature -Bigger than most races -Very egotistical -Artistic -Intelligent --- [b]Name:[/b] Vo’hedoq-gluth [b]Age:[/b] Vo’hedoq-gluth is around fifty years old. [b]Race:[/b] Izhai [b]Country of Birth:[/b] Vo’hollom [b]Country of Origin:[/b] Black Forest – After overhearing the tale of the Wishing Well from a madman living in a hut made of mud. Or possibly dung. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/290/6/0/hastur_by_douzen-d5i2s4g.jpg] [Hider=Physical Description]Vo'hedoq-gluth stands well above many people, at a rather hindering ten feet and six inches. He has trouble going through doors, having to crouch through them. His tentacles don't help, due to the fact they also just get in the way. He usually lets people go first so he doesn't get in the way. He's not used to such "small" doors either, and sometimes opts to just stay outside. With such a tall stature, he is also pretty broad. Though these things do hinder him, he can't do anything to help it. He usually just hangs around outside anyways.[/hider] [b]Bio:[/b] In the isles of Vo’hollom, a boy found himself drawn to the study of the arcane arts. This boy was not Vo’hedoq-gluth, he was Ahm’safras of the Safras house, and instead of learning how to make money and rule the Isles of Vo’hollom, he decided to learn how to use magic. He was good at it, he enjoyed it. Though most of what he did was hypothesize how to use magic, he was able to manipulate small rocks after calling upon the elements. This was huge for Ahm’safras, for it was the first step to achieving greatness. His cloak was a deep blue, representing his royalty. He was there when they declared isolation; he was there when the head magus of the Safras family died. Of course, the secret whispers among family are the thing of nightmares. The webs of politics are the fall of many good men. But they are also the rise to power for terrible men. He, being the only one in his family other than his Great Uncle, whom was now deceased, to know any magic was enough to promote him to grand magus. Now, Ahm’safras was not a foolish young man, no, he had some solid theories. But after his Great Uncle died, he finally had the ability to practice. He also gained access to many things meant for advanced practitioners of magic. Now, killing his Great Uncle was enough to get him exiled already, but his family never found out, and if they did, they needed him. So he studied his Great Uncle’s work, deciding to become the Grand Magus, and not just for the Safras house. He schemed and plotted and learned. He slowly became the best Magus in the isles, even able to best the other Grand Maguses, whom had been at this at years. But he needed more. He believed sacrificing children to the celestial bodies would give him power. Now he was not necessarily correct, but whatever he did, he managed to become quite powerful. Ahm’safras abducted children who were to be executed, bribing the guards. And when he finally reached a level of pure power, he continued. He needed to be more powerful. He needed to be able to attain his rightful place as ruler of the Isles of Vo’hollom. But somehow, his plots were revealed to his house, and the other two houses. He was quickly renounced as a Safras, and he was imprisoned. His name was stricken for him, he was Ahm’safras no more. Now, now he was Vo’hedoq-gluth, cursed to be hungry for eternity and beyond. They burned his flesh and carved The Yellow Sign into him. They replaced his Dark Blue robes with the Yellow Robes of the exile. So, in a last ditch attempt to become the single ruler of the Isles of Vo’hollom, he attempted to transcend his mortal form completely. This failed horribly. Despite his skill as a Magus, he was still not even close to the skill required to successfully complete this ritual. This caused him to become quite deformed, and it also caused his mind to be constantly in conflict with his body. He became an atrocity, his right arm replaced by a mass of tentacles, and his now yellow robes merged into his flesh. He became a monster, even among his people. He was to be exiled, and due to his now weakened state, he was helpless. He was placed on a raft, and sent away. Days went by, and many times the now dishonored Vo’hedoq-gluth found himself near death, only to use his tentacles to get food. Water posed a problem to Vo’hedoq-gluth, though, and he found himself ready to die after becoming especially dehydrated. As he slept that night, for what he thought would be the last time, he was delusional. He dreamt of fresh water, and being back home. Of course, it was a dream, and when he awoke, he was beyond mad. But he saw land, and tried to go towards it. He was exhausted, and felt horrid, so he could barely even sit up on the raft. His tentacles were dry, and in pain. And for a moment, he thought he had been cursed to undeath as well. Lying on his raft, Vo’hedoq-gluth was controlled by the currents. He laid on the raft, gasping rasp breaths of air and hoping not to die. Perhaps he deserved this, yes, but he would not allow his people to have the last laugh. He would become the Legendary Exile, the most powerful magus alive, and the rightful ruler of the Isles of Vo’hollom. He gathered his remaining willpower to throw himself into the ocean, and to find his way to shore. Exhausted and near death, Vo’hedoq-gluth was not physically fit enough to actually do this. He nearly drowned until he was drawn into a fishing net somewhere near the coast of the Black Forest and saved by a crew of fishermen whom had gotten lost near the shore. They offered Vo'hedoq-gluth passage to one of the nicer regions, though he declined their offer so that he may stay and explore this place that appealed to him. Vo’hedoq-gluth spent much of his time in the Black Forest, exploring it and doing odd jobs for the very few people he met. It was around this time he met Endoleon, though he does not talk about how the two met. Vo’hedoq-gluth, in a rare state of curiosity, took it upon himself to befriend this entity, and so, they became the friends. After one particularly boring evening, Endoleon and Vo’hedoq-gluth headed to a hut occupied by a local madman, and there the old man told the two of the Wishing Well. They decided they would set out to join those who were trying to find it. And so, they left together, each having their own desires. Vo’hedoq-gluth wanted to go back home, so he may finish what he started. He would become the Grand Magus of the Isles of Vo’hollom, after he got his friend to the Wishing Well, that is. [b]Personality:[/b] Vo’hedoq-gluth has a deep disdain for the ‘loli’ races, and in fact desires to eat them alive. As well as most children. And Fae. And cats. And most everything that he can fit in his mouth. He thinks they look appetizing; they’re small and have meat on them, they’re easy to eat, and tasty too. He is also very egotistical, and berates people constantly. The only person he treats with respect is Endoleon. He stands tall above most, and uses this to intimidate his foes. He cares little about others and will use them to advance his goals. He is generally passive, though he can and will defend himself if it comes to that. [b]Combat Skills:[/b] -Vo’hedoq-gluth is a very skilled mage, calling upon the elements to revive and smite his foes. He also calls upon the stars Sol, Canis Majoris, and many of the other unnamed celestial bodies in the darkest depths of the universe. -Vo’hedoq-gluth, became deformed after an experiment gone awry, and accidentally replaced one of his arms with a mass of tentacles. He chokes people with them. -Vo’hedoq-gluth is rather large, and uses that to both intimidate his enemies and to crush them. -Vo’hedoq-gluth is pretty hard to take down, due to being naturally tough. Adventuring & Survival Skills: -Vo’hedoq-gluth can eat anything, and he will. Sadly he’s almost always hungry. -Vo’hedoq-gluth can make fire. -Vo’hedoq-gluth can carry a lot of fire wood. [b]Other Skills:[/b] -Vo’hedoq-gluth enjoys painting. -Vo’hedoq-gluth enjoys reading. -Vo’hedoq-gluth is great at multi-tasking. -Vo’hedoq-gluth is also a decent storyteller. If you’re desperate enough. -Vo’hedoq-gluth also gives good piggy-back rides. [b]Reason for traveling:[/b] Vo’hedoq-gluth seeks the wishing well, just as any other. But he seeks it not for power, but to return home. He already has enough power; he just needs to finish the job. [b]Other:[/b] Vo’hedoq-gluth considers his companion, Endoleon, his only real friend in this place that is not home, and they seem to agree in their disgust with the ‘loli’ races. He’s very intrigued by Endoleon’s sheer existence, and seeks to learn more about the staff that gave birth to him. He's also not as strong of a mage that he acts like he is, mostly due to most of his power being ripped from him in a ritual gone wrong.