[h2][color=8dc73f]Kyoka Haizenberuku[/color][/h2] Almost unsurprisingly, Kyoka's ninjutsu had left little impression on the Shark as her spray was casually caught and.. absorbed? There wasn't a splash and scatter so Kyoka could only assume that occured, whether absorbed to empower or simply negation would take further study. More importantly than the mad chemist's passive observations, the Shark decided to divert his attention in a rather obvious manner to her. Of course, Kyoka would move to dodge, even if it was a ploy, as being a standing target in the worst case scenario would not be beneficial. However, there was the a question of efficiency as Kyoka could just jump away with minimal impact but with what little time she had, her attention turned to Rumia who had suffered a blow earlier. She had expected her cousin to have survived but there was a suppressed concern for her opposite, after all, Rumia was the only relationship Kyoka was invested in throughout her short miserable life. Indeed, Kyoka's expectations, and to the chemist's relief, were confirmed by the sight of Rumia taking the field again in a charge with one of her attacks priming. Despite the brief look, Kyoka knew which one and anything she could do to lend assistance to her monstrous cousin would only help. Therefore, Kyoka did not plan to jump out of the way as her hands quickly went through the motions of new hand seal, [color=8dc73f][i]Kurāken Shokushu, the Kraken's Tentacles[/i][/color]. With the hand seal completed, she flicked a chakra filled hand backwards to launch a black powder that ignited the moment it hit the ground. This powder burned and out of the powder rose a viscous tendril that shot towards Kyoka and wrapped her up, sinking into molten asphalt-like substance slightly before being flung her away. Heat from the molten tar, even in that brief exposure, began to warm Kyoka up considerably and her layered clothing, she'd likely receive some burns being that close to the epicenter. [color=8dc73f]"Wweeee!"[/color] Kyoka hollered as her small frame was sent away. Kyoka had two things in mind, first the Kraken's Tentacle remained behind, now coiling around the area in a chaotic mess aimed at getting the Shark to reemerge right into a portion of this ensnaring hot goo and hopefully provide her cousin a clean shot. The second purpose was Kyoka's trajectory wasn't random but aimed at her approaching cousin and as the two came close to passing, Kyoka gave a sharp whistle and tossed a small ceramic case out in front of Rumia, aiming to lead her so her cousin wouldn't have to slow. Inside the case was pure sodium powder, which being an alkali metal, would react explosively when touching water. It was a working theory that Kyoka predicted the Shark, especially in this more primal state right now, to have quite the affinity for water so much so that it was likely the Shark's clothes and even skin were damp with water. If Kyoka's theory held true, then the sodium should be effective as it wasn't a chakra based attack. Rumia ultimately had two options of dispersal, throw the whole container to likely cause a more dramatic explosion or to open the container and fling the powder to causing smaller explosions and a burning effect. Either was fine, but Kyoka predicted her more simpleton cousin would be more inclined for the dramatic.