Tau seemed interested at first. The job description was basically a runner. But with a hell of a pay raise. Then she understood why. [color=gray][b]"I'm not going to kill anyone,"[/b][/color] she stated bluntly, still unsure if she understood Titan's meaning. [color=gray][b]"Even with that pay raise, my job with Freedom is hella cushy. I literally had zero problems until... today."[/b][/color] Tau grimaced, and drained the rest of her coffee. Her pupils were dilated and she bounced in her seat. [color=gray][b]"As... uncultured... as the Debris is... I know it well and I'm not scared-- or [i]ashamed[/i]-- to live the rest of my life there."[/b][/color] She held up a finger, indicating that she wasn't done talking. But there was a long minute of silence as she gazed thoughtfully across the table. [color=gray][b]"However... no matter what you might say... I still owe ya. And I want to help you find your brother. But I don't know if that's the kind of job for me."[/b][/color]