[center][IMG]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/364205526583738368/366051364775657472/Havoc.png[/IMG][/center] [Center][COLOR=plum][sup][b]Ex-Kirigakure | Criminal-Jonin, S+ | Gravity-nin[/b][/sup][/COLOR][/center][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=plum][b]TIME:[/b] [i]Present Day - Midday[/i] | [b]LOCATION:[/b] [i]Forest of Death[/i] | [b]INTERACTION:[/b][@Glitchybugger][@Ganryu][@yoshua171][@bladess4][@Write][/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT] This was going to be a pain in the ass already. With the increasing number of shinobi surrounding him, whether it be by air or land, they were all starting to formulate their counter attack. Havoc’s sense were as keen as ever, his Heiko Kankaku was reading the movements and number of enemies around him with quite relative ease. They were all still rather far off from him, keeping their distance was a good thing. However he did feel that the one shinobi was circling around him placing objects all around him, that wasn’t a very good sign for the gravity ninja, no matter though he would just have to make quick work of the ice fairy first. Before he could focus on the ice princess, he suddenly felt the scurrying of what seemed to be serpents underneath him. A small grin appeared on his face before he touched the ground [color=plum]“Hitchi”[/color] removing his hands a purple imprint was left behind on the surface of the ground, once the snakes un-burrowed the seal would activate and suck the snakes in crushing them and leaving the sneak attack thwarted. [color=plum]“Now where was I? Oh yes.”[/color] The pixie or whatever she was had recovered on balanced footing and was shouting some nonsense at her. He wasn’t really a man of many words, rather he was just focused on disabling her and the rest of her entourage so he could make his way to Sano. The small girl launched the ice disk she had so nimbly been riding on also encompassing what seemed to be a temperature shift, she was gifted that was for sure. Knowing he wasn’t in the time nor space to be fooling around Havoc took the offensive at full throttle. Charging his own chakra to augments the effects of his jutsu to happen more rapidly he formed one singular handseal while throwing his umbrella upwards.[color=plum] [i]“Samasu”[/i][/color] his own large dome covered the land, but his was invisible or rather it would have been if he hadn’t advanced it’s properties. A giant cylinder of pure gravity exploded from the umbrella forming around the scruffy homeless looking ninja. The earth around him violently erupted as the sky was punctured in the 12 meter diameter around him, with the sky clear around him and the disks the ice queen had thrown at him now shattered on entry, Havoc was ready to meet her head on. She seemed to do him the favor of wanting to close the proximity between the two of them so he pushed off the land below him as it quaked in his power. Havoc was rather fast for a jailbroken ninja, dragging his cylindrical field along with him.[color=plum] “I didn’t want to have to sully my hands, but I don’t have my sword with me little girl. Let’s dance.”[/color] Havoc raised his free hand slowly acquiring gravitational energy in his palm. [color=plum]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/color] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/364205526583738368/366786068428619778/insho.png[/img][/center] [Center][COLOR=E54515][sup][b]Konohagakure | Hokage | Duality-nin[/b][/sup][/COLOR][/center][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=E54515][b]TIME:[/b] [i]Present Day - Morning[/i] | [b]LOCATION:[/b] [i]Forest of Death[/i] | [b]INTERACTION:[/b] [@Reflection][/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT] Ginsho bit his tongue, he knew if he said anything it would simply give ammunition to the demon that stood before him. He was always one to talk and it’s what made him so easy to hate, enough where you could make a mistake that would cost you your life for thinking irrationally. Or in Ginsho’s case the life of his friend. Ginsho scoffed in anger, he knew how much this fight meant, he had to prevail and that didn’t mean holding back or letting him off the hook as he did the first time. Ginsho was going to take the battle to him from the start. Wasting no time the young Hokage threw the swords into the shield before opening his mouth, [color=E54515]“Henjiru”[/color] suddenly the two weapons were engulfed in a holy light. The two weapons were obstructed by a large ball of light before the picture became clearer. The metal had dissipated off the weapons and the two had fused together to create a cross of pure heavenly chakra. The cross like weapon was akin to that of truth seeking balls used by the sage of six paths in his heyday. Ginsho shot his arm out at the puppet master, allowing for the cross to rise and fire concentrated beams of holy chakra at the sinister villain. This bought him enough time to use his strongest technique, [color=E54515]“Seiatsu! (Ascendancy)”[/color] Ginsho brought his singular palm up to his chest in the praying motion of his religion, the foundation of his powers. A crown of thorns appeared and clung to his head, digging into his skull, drawing blood around his forehead. Black bars appeared on the inside of his palm and two through the soles of his feet, blood also accumulating around the base of the nail like structures. A massive eruption of chakra could be felt throughout the whole forest. With such grace and elegance a massive archangel appeared behind him, its size was almost comparable to a three story house. The angel was adorned in iron clad armor lending itself to mimic that of the angel’s physique. A gorgeous pair of white feathered wings flung open creating large gusts of wind that knocked the encompassing trees over and pushing the puppet master backwards a few good feet. The archangel stood directly behind Ginsho with a massive sword and shield in its hands. Ginsho sprang into action dashing at the puppet master moving his hand in multiple directions, thus prompting the angel to follow his every command as it were its own and able to execute it immediately. With no lag time between his movements and the angel’s the massive archangel began its assault on the rather puny puppet master. Despite its size the flurry of attacks the archangel was outputting with its sword was amazingly fast. The forest around him was being sliced and diced into mincemeat, while Ginsho treaded on constantly maneuvering his one praying hand. [color=E54515]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/color]